China News

7-Years-Old Girl in Vegetative State Blinks for the First Time in 3 Years After Acupuncture Treatment

Tinyu, a seven-year-old girl, has gone into a vegetative state due to a medical error after suffering a rare soft tissue cancer in 2018. On May 19, Baby Tinyu blinked her eyes for the first time in three years.

Tinyu had a tumor resection operation at Queen Mary Hospital on May 21, 2020.

The initial surgery process was progressing smoothly. Nearly six hours later, Tinyu’s heart suddenly stopped beating; her abdomen became swollen.

The original tumor resection surgery had to be terminated abruptly.

Although Tinyu was resuscitated and regained her breathing, her brain was severely damaged.

Tinyu had gone into a vegetative state.

Hospital’s Errors

In a previous TV interview, Tinyu’s father, Mr. Chow, claimed the medical error was due to using the wrong blood type. A lack of special blood at the hospital blood bank resulted in a 48-minute delay in Tinyu’s blood transfusion, and her heart stopped beating.

According to the Mayo Clinic, Tinyu’s Rhabdomyosarcoma (RMS) cancer is rare. Although RMS can occur at any age, it primarily affects children. RMS is cancer in soft tissue, particularly skeletal muscle tissue, and can cause protruding or swollen eyeballs.


On May 19, Tinyu’s father, Mr. Chow, shared some exciting news about the baby girl on social media. Tinyu blinked for the first time in three years after receiving acupuncture treatment.

In a video Chow posted, he mentioned that since the medical incident three years ago, Tinyu had lost the ability to blink her eyes.

To avoid her eyes becoming dry, Chow said he must give her eye drop lubricant and moisturizing gel before covering them with cling film “as if it was to isolate her from the world.”

Tinyu’s father continued that her acupuncturist continued to target her edema. During the session, acupuncturist Dr. Wong Tin-chi also applied acupuncture needles around Tinyu’s eyelids, hoping to improve her eyelid mobility.

Acupuncture: Key To Healing

In the video, Wong gently placed needles on Tinyu’s eyelids and head while explaining how the method and needle location worked effectively on stroke patients who would slowly improve their eyelid response after treatment.

In addition, tightness also improved after treating Tinyu’s abdomen with acupuncture.

Two days after the acupuncture session, the dedicated father captured Tinyu on video blinking for the first time in three years.

In the video, Tinyu was seen blinking her eyes every few seconds; there was also eye movement, while her vision seemed to be moving in up and down motion.

Chow said in the video, “I feel that she is looking around, and there was strength in her eye movement.”

The movement lasted for about two minutes.

Although feeling emotional, Chow could only silently observe.

Thousands of netizens left comments and shared their optimism and praise, rooting for Chow and his daughter, Tinyu. “I hope Tinyu’s condition will continue to improve. So that, one day, she can rediscover the world.” Chow prayed.

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