
Put a stop to Albany’s harmful control over NYC schools

A 300-page report released by the State Education Department a year after studying the effectiveness of mayoral control of New York City’s public-school system, undermines it and holds no one accountable for school-system failure.

The $250,000 study by SED calls for establishing a commission to further investigate the matter.

The Legislature’s leaders rejected Gov. Hochul’s proposal to renew mayoral control during state budget negotiations, displaying their allegiance to the teachers unions, who prefer a system similar to the old Board of Education.

Notably, the report heavily relied on input from “activist” parents who echo UFT talking points.

Assembly Education Committee Chairman Michael Benedetto (D-Bronx) is against this move, advocating for keeping mayoral control and holding the mayor accountable.

It is time to make mayoral control of New York City schools permanent.

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