Preventing Traffic Disruptions Caused by Trouble Makers: Unearthing Overlooked Information in Police Shooting Reports and More Opinions
From the right: Stop the Traffic-Blocking Goons
“Across the country Monday, thousands of United States citizens were detained against their will by criminal protesters,” fume the Washington Examiner’s editors. Though everyone has “a First Amendment right to express their opinions, they do not have any right whatsoever to impede the free movement of others.” Yes, some protesters were arrested. But “almost all” were released “the same day,” and most won’t be prosecuted. “Congress should make the obstruction of traffic on all federally funded roads, and all roads necessary for the use of interstate travel (such as roads to and from an airport), a federal felony.” Then, “if George Soros-funded district attorneys in Oakland or Manhattan refuse to do what is necessary to keep the roads open, federal law enforcement” can.
Media watch: Buried Fact in Cop-Shoot Stories
Coverage of the shooting of Dexter Reed, a black man, by Chicago cops focused on the weeping mother, whether the officers were racist and the 96 shots fired, notes columnist John Kass at his website. Yet it glossed over a key but “inconvenient” fact: Reed shot first. “Left wing media alchemists are desperately hoping to turn Reed into gold,” yet he’s no “civil rights icon.” Reed “had a criminal record,” was facing “an illegal gun case” and, most important, “pulled the trigger first.” While Chicago is investigating the officers, one of whom was injured in the shooting, the media “is determined to fan a spark into a blaze and burn Chicago — the host city of the 2024 Democratic National Convention — to a crisp.”
Education beat: Florida Leads on School Choice
“The closing of 7,000 Catholic schools over the last 60 years has been a national tragedy in slow motion,” lament Lauren May & Ron Matus at The Hill. But there are two reasons that will change: “the accelerating expansion of school choice” and Florida. “Eleven states have created expansive, state-funded education choice programs” in recent years. Nationally, parochial-school enrollment is down 14%, yet in Florida, it’s up 9% — and “school choice is a big reason why.” Florida’s program offers scholarships with “value,” ample “funding” and other benefits. The new competitive environment has seen the explosive growth of “private schools,” “charter schools” and other options, and this expansion America “will bring unprecedented opportunities to Catholic education supporters.” And Florida is “leading.”
Econ desk: Where Cali Went Wrong
In 2022, California “had the fifth largest economy in the world, boasting a higher GDP than most developed countries,” observes Nicole Russell at USA Today. But that’s “taken a hit lately” under Gov. Gavin Newsom. “The state’s GDP growth was 32nd in the nation last year,” and it may even lose its fifth-place spot in size. Californians face the “the highest unemployment rate in the country. That’s more than a million unemployed workers.” Why? Recent “liberal policies” like high minimum wage laws and DEI rules. And “decades of progressive policies”: “It was only a matter of time before the economy reacted.” Now “California residents are fleeing in droves, often to states with no income tax like Florida and Texas.” Turns out “even California liberals can spend their way out of a good economy.”
Conservative: Biden’s Failed ‘Don’t’ Strategy
“After the Afghanistan debacle, adversaries viewed [President] Biden as weak, incoherent and doddering,” recalls Guy Benson at Townhall. Our “enemies were emboldened.” On several “high-profile occasions,” Biden and his top officials “looked into the camera and issued a simple warning: ‘Don’t.’ ” Yet this “failed spectacularly” to get people to listen. Whether at the southern border, or when Biden warned Russia not to invade Ukraine, or when Iran-backed militias ignored him and killed Americans and when Iran itself attacked Israel. Now, as the Jewish state decides what to do next, “Biden is once again using a familiar word”: Don’t. Hmm: “If America’s enemies don’t listen to such warnings from him, why should America’s allies?”
— Compiled by The Post Editorial Board