
Biden’s strategic efforts to secure reelection for the unpopular president through all possible means

President Biden’s approval rating is at or below 40%. In the past, such low popularity has typically made it very difficult for a president to be reelected (source).

Biden, at 81 years old, is not only an octogenarian but is also considered unhealthy and prematurely aging. Ironically, despite his health struggles, he seems most suited for the role of president compared to any other job in the country.

Joe Biden polls at or below 40% approval. AFP via Getty Images

To secure reelection, Biden’s campaign is avoiding traditional strategies like campaigning on his record or promoting unpopular agendas. Instead, they are focusing on four key strategies to defeat former President Donald Trump.

First, Biden’s team is working with left-wing prosecutors to tie Trump up in court with unprecedented legal challenges, to distract and potentially damage him politically.

Second, Biden is offering government favors to special-interest groups and taking short-term actions to provide relief to voters, even if they may have long-term negative consequences.

Third, the left is attempting to change the voting processes to favor their candidate, utilizing mail-in ballots and early voting to reduce the impact of Election Day.

Finally, Biden is relying heavily on media coverage to promote his campaign and discredit Trump, while Trump continues to hold large rallies across the country.

Overall, despite Biden’s declining popularity and health issues, his team believes they can secure his reelection through these strategies, even if they may not be the most ethical or beneficial for the country in the long run.

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