
Federal Judge Overturns Florida’s Ban on Gender Treatment

U.S. District Judge Robert Hinkle has declared Florida’s ban on gender-affirming treatments for minors unconstitutional.

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis signed bill SB 254 into law, which prohibited surgeries and prescription treatments for children with gender dysphoria. The law also barred the use of public funds for sex-reassignment treatments by universities, local governments, state worker health insurance plans, and providers contracted with the state’s Medicaid Managed Care program.

In his 105-page order, Hinkle stated, “Florida has adopted a statute and rules that ban gender-affirming care for minors even when medically appropriate. The ban is unconstitutional.”

Hinkle also mentioned that the legislation was motivated by “anti-transgender animus” and emphasized that discrimination against transgender individuals is not acceptable.

Jeremy Redfern, press secretary for DeSantis, announced that the state will appeal the ruling, disagreeing with the court’s interpretation of the law, facts, and science.

The decision comes after Hinkle issued a preliminary injunction almost a year ago, preventing the Florida statute from affecting three minors whose parents were involved in a lawsuit seeking to continue hormone treatment for their children.

As of May 2024, 25 states have enacted laws restricting gender-altering treatments.

James Morley III ✉

James Morley III is a writer with more than two decades of experience in entertainment, travel, technology, and science and nature.

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