
Seeking God in America: A Personal Journey

He was ‘lost’ in life, work

Don Lemon. Familiar face. Familiar name. Familiar mouth that talked on CNN, had best-selling books and is now on a podcast. His new memoir, “I Once Was Lost,” gets published tomorrow afternoon.

Today he’s opening the pages publicly. At 6:30. The place: 65th and Fifth’s Temple Emanu-El. It’s in a conversation with Jeff Zucker — himself a graduate of CNN.

Don: “This is our official exclusive launch date. It’s Jeff and I. A Q&A format. Mine is really an American story. A tale of God, faith and religion. My search for God in America. And how tribulations make us stronger.

“The book will also be featured in Broadway and 12th Street’s famous Strand bookstore — which the world knows and we all go to. They wanted this book launch to be in their store and exclusive to them. Finally they agreed to partner, so its opening is officially at the Temple Emanu-El synagogue — but at the same time they’ll also be partnering at the Strand.

“And I’m recording it as an audio book. It’s what I have to say about racism and about life in general.”

Knowing Don Lemon — who once told me “I can’t keep secrets” — he’ll not only tour with this book, he’ll record it, do every talk show and you could probably also invite him to your house.

When lunch plans go awry . . .

Let me share my weekend: Friday, after four previous dates somehow got canceled or bollixed up or I screwed up, I was finally spending the day and having dinner with my longtime friends Judge Judy and her husband of a lifetime Judge Jerry.

We were both eager for this. We phoned each other confirmation 1:30 as I got in the car. Then one of us called the other at 1:40 to say “on the way.”

1:43 Judy calls. I cannot hear her well. She says, “Turn around. Do not come. Go back home.” I say, “Whaaat?”

Minute later her driver Tony calls to tell me: “Don’t come. Turn around, go back home.” Whaaat?! Nearest break in the curb-to-curb traffic was when you reach the Arctic. No place to turn around.

Finally I can hear Judy. “Jerry was outside with the dog and suddenly didn’t feel well.” Whaaat?! Traffic’s bumper to bumper. It’s weekend. I’m all dressed. Ready for late lunch.

“Go home,” she says. So I went home. Lunch? Leftover tuna, stale bread that was probably baked in a covered wagon.

Doctors say he’s now back on his feet and OK. She’s now back on her phone and OK. The only one not OK? Me.

Legal murk

Donald’s trial is after the election but the Supreme Court directed the trial court to now determine from what charges he is immune. This requires evidentiary hearing before November.

Testimony like Giuliani’s role, Pence’s pressures, former RNC chair Ronna McDaniel’s stuff, etc. Not helpful.

Legal advice: Let’s just all talk about Trump’s opponents. To quote the immortal Plato, “Not good to get into a pissing match with any skunk.”

AND in the never to be forgotten — or repeated — immortal words of a Washington, DC, pro who possibly knew Hunter Biden personally: Be it known that a true professional in Washington, DC, is one who returns publicly what he stole privately.

Only in the nation’s capital, kids, only in the nation’s capital.

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