
Pete Hegseth, Donald Trump’s defense secretary pick, highlights reasons for the Democrats’ loss in the 2024 election

The elitist attacks on Donald Trump’s defense secretary pick Pete Hegseth show exactly why Democrats lost the election in a landslide.

Intelligent, articulate, patriotic, a graduate of Princeton and Harvard, a combat veteran of the Iraq and Afghanistan wars, with two Bronze Stars, Hegseth, 44, is an inspired choice to lead the Pentagon and rid it of the woke poison that has sent recruitment levels down the toilet.

Not only that, but he has a tattoo of “We the People” on his arm, a visible sign of his America First commitment to the Constitution, whose first words remind us that America at its founding rejected rule by elites.

And yet, because Hegseth most recently has been a popular Fox News host, the liberal intelligentsia is accusing him of being stupid and unqualified.

He’s a lot better qualified to run the Defense Department than Kamala Harris ever was to be commander in chief.

No more Mr. Nice Guy

Of course, after Trump announced Wednesday that firebrand MAGA-bro Rep. Matt Gaetz was his attorney general pick, the left completely lost its mind.

But they asked for it.

With Gaetz, an articulate and fearless pit-bull congressman from Florida, Trump is signaling that it’s no more Mr. Nice Guy in his second term, when it comes to the corrupted Department of Justice that conducted lawfare against him and his allies, ran cover for the Biden family’s corruption, sicced the FBI onto parents at school-board meetings and Christians praying outside abortion clinics, and treated non-violent Jan. 6 protesters like domestic terrorists.

Beltway insider journalist Mark Halperin summed up the reaction: “Donald Trump’s selection of Matt Gaetz for attorney general has hit official Washington like a bomb.”

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A rattled Andrew Weissmann, the Russiagate plotter and former DOJ prosecutor, blathered incoherently on MSNBC that Gaetz is “not just unqualified but . . . untethered to the facts and maybe also the law . . . He is Exhibit A of weaponization [and], we are in pure George Orwell ‘1984’ land.”

If the DOJ had behaved properly and prudently, according to the law, instead of playing smash-mouth politics against conservatives the last four years, they might deserve some respect.

As it is, they get their worst nightmare, because only radical surgery will fix that rotten culture.

“Matt will end Weaponized Government, protect our Borders, dismantle Criminal Organizations and restore Americans’ badly-shattered Faith and Confidence in the Justice Department,” Trump wrote on Truth Social Wednesday.

“He is a Champion for the Constitution and the Rule of Law.”

Quelle horreur!

The rash of likely DOJ resignations to come will provide a valuable initial filtering out of what Trump has called “the enemy within.”

Gaetz is Trump’s preemptive declaration of war against the deep state which crippled his first presidency.

Hegseth is a less nihilistic, if equally pugnacious, choice for the Pentagon.

He is the perfect patriot to restore the morale of a dispirited military that has seen humiliation heaped on top of indignity in the Biden-Harris era — from the botched withdrawal from Afghanistan to the collapse of the Gaza pier, not to mention the exhibitionistic sexual fetishism that seems to have infected elements of the armed services.

“With Pete at the helm, America’s enemies are on notice — Our Military will be Great Again, and America will Never Back Down,” Trump posted on Truth Social.

Inspecting the troops

Hegseth will eradicate from our armed services the destructive ideology of “critical race theory” which Gen. Mark “Thoroughly Modern” Milley — former chairman of the Joint Chiefs, protégé of Nancy Pelosi, Joe Biden pet and de facto former leader of the military wing of The Resistance against Trump — once defended in congressional testimony.

“I want to understand white rage,” Milley told the House Armed Services Committee in June 2021.

No more of that nonsense with Hegseth at the helm.

“No, we should only be focused on readiness and meritocracy and lethality,” he said on Fox News last year.

He has openly described his ideas for how to reform the military on air, in speeches and in his books such as “The War on Warriors: Behind the Betrayal of the Men Who Keep Us Free.”

“Our ‘elites’ are like the feckless drug-addled businessmen at Nakatomi Plaza, looking down on Bruce Willis’ John McClane in ‘Die Hard,’ ” he wrote.

“But there will come a day when they realize they need John McClane — that in fact their ability to live in peace and prosperity has always depended on guys like him being honorable, powerful, and deadly.”

“First of all, you’ve got to fire the chairman of the Joint Chiefs,” he told podcast host Shawn Ryan.

“Any general . . . admiral, whatever, that was involved in any of the DEI/woke s–t has got to go.”

“Either you’re in for war fighting, and that’s the only litmus test we care about. You gotta get DEI [diversity, equity, and inclusion] and CRT [critical race theory] out of military academies. You’re not training young officers to be baptized in this kind of thinking.”

Hegseth’s critics who sneer that he is unqualified because he is a Fox News host are the same people who insisted that Joe Biden was compos mentis, Harris was competent and her running mate Tim “Stolen Valor” Walz, who shirked combat and then lied about it, was some sort of military hero.

Libs ‘unnerved’

You can judge Hegseth by his enemies.

Take the military-industrial complex, which freaked out at the news they would not have a puppet heading the Pentagon.

Wall Street was “unnerved” by the Hegseth selection, reported Barrons, because defense contractors will lose their clout.

“Who the f–k is this guy?” a defense industry lobbyist snarked to Politico.

Another defense official told CNN “Everyone is simply shocked” and warned that there would be an effort to “take him down.”

Trump’s treacherous warmongering former National Security Adviser John Bolton snarked to CNN that Hegseth was “a loyalty choice . . . I think what Trump wants from his appointees is subservience.”

“Wow. Trump picking Pete Hegseth is the most hilariously predictably stupid thing,” snorted turncoat former Republican Rep. Adam Kinzinger.

“There’s only one reason he’s doing it: because he’s on Fox News.”

MSNBC host Joyless Reid trashed Trump’s evolving Cabinet as a “clown car” and burst out laughing at the Hegseth news: “a Fox weekend morning-show host — you can’t make this up.”

No wonder her ratings have plummeted, along with the rest of her bitter, out-of-touch stablemates.

It’s the same snobbery and elitism that cost Dems the election — not just the Electoral College, the House, and the Senate, but the popular vote.

It’s the same reason that Kamala Harris’ home town of Oakland just voted out its progressive mayor and district attorney by a staggering 30 percentage points.

It’s the same reason that LA’s radical pro-criminal prosecutor George Gascon was thrown out in a landslide last week and California overwhelmingly voted for Proposition 36, which increases penalties for repeat drug and theft crimes.

The times they are a-changing.

Trump has the mandate for change, and he is making the most of it.

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