Science News

Discovery of a new species of “Mystery Mollusks” in the deep waters of California by local scientists

California scientists have identified a new species dwelling in the ocean they have classified as a “sea slug.”

Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute (MBARI) science adviser Bruce Robison said in a Nov. 12 video statement that though MBARI’s deep-sea research has led to the discovery of “an astonishing array of animals,” this most recent finding “is one of the most remarkable yet.”

“Meet the mystery mollusk, Bathydevius caudactylus,” Robison said.

The mollusk was first encountered in early 2000 while exploring waters a mile and a half below the surface of the ocean, he said.

“We were mesmerized by the animal’s ethereal movements,” he said. “The curious combination of body features left us mystified.”

Researchers initially called the creature a “mystery mollusk” because of its muscular foot suggesting it might be a “swimming snail.”

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