World News

Edmonton Shuts Down Apartment Building Following Security Guard’s Fatal Shooting

An apartment building in northwest Edmonton has been ordered closed and its residents relocated due to security concerns following the shooting death of a security guard earlier this month.

A Dec. 23 City of Edmonton news release said the move was made after advice from the Residential Inspection Safety Compliance Team (RISC), which includes Edmonton’s community standards branch, fire rescue services, police services, the provincial government, and Alberta Health Services.

The building, at 10603 107 Avenue NW, was closed by emergency order under the Municipal Government Act. “Safety concerns have escalated and conditions have deteriorated in the past month to the point that continued occupation of this building poses an imminent risk to those living in the building and their visitors,” the release said.

Given the timing, the decision was not made lightly, said the city. “In this case, the urgency of the safety concerns left no alternative but to close and evacuate the residences.”

City of Edmonton Community Standards Branch manager David Jones said the building posed a risk to the public.

“The building has been the site of numerous violations, and we have been provided with substantial evidence of noncompliance with business licensing conditions that were put in place to protect people living in and visiting the building,” Jones said in a video attached to the news release.

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