China News

Brazilian Falun Gong Practitioners Harassed as Chinese Delegation Arrived at G20

Dozens of Chinese counter-protesters moved to block banners from view of the road using large Brazilian and Chinese flags.

RIO DE JANEIRO—Brazilian Falun Gong practitioners, who were peacefully demonstrating against the Chinese Communist Party’s human rights abuses during the G20 summit on Nov. 17, were harassed by counterprotesters upon the arrival of the Chinese delegation, according to  video footage and witnesses who spoke to The Epoch Times.

The Falun Gong practitioners were demonstrating on a street blocked off for G20 authorities, staff, and other authorized personnel with banners that read “Falun Dafa is good” and “Stop the persecution of Falun Dafa.” They told The Epoch Times that as they attempted to display their banners, dozens of Chinese counter-protesters moved to block the banners from the view of the road, using large Brazilian and Chinese flags.
Videos of the incident show them attempting to move to another part of the street before being followed and repeatedly blocked by counterprotesters.

In total, around 80 to 100 Chinese individuals physically prevented the Brazilians from displaying their banners, followed them, or otherwise assisted in blocking demonstrations and harassing locals. Falun Gong practitioners requested assistance from local law enforcement to ensure their security.

Alberto, one of the Brazilian protesters, told The Epoch Times in Brazil that they heard a policewoman say: “This is Brazil, our country, and they (the Brazilians) have the right to expression. Stop obstructing and oppressing them.”

The demonstrators were a small group of Brazilians who stated that they came together to raise awareness about ongoing religious persecution and human rights violations in China, including the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners.

Falun Gong, also known as Falun Dafa, is a spiritual meditation practice based on the principles of truthfulness, compassion, and forbearance.

Its practitioners have faced brutal suppression by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) since 1999, when the number of practitioners surpassed that of the CCP’s membership.

In 2020, a London-based tribunal, after an 18-month investigation, concluded beyond a reasonable doubt that the Chinese communist regime had been forcibly harvesting organs from prisoners of conscience for many years, with Falun Gong practitioners being the primary victims.

Falun Gong is practiced in over 100 countries around the world, with a small number of practitioners in Brazil.

What Happened

According to the Brazilian protesters, they initially stood on a small bridge with their banners in place but they were overwhelmed by counterprotesters.

After intervention by the local police, who forced the counter-protesters to leave the practitioners alone, the Brazilian army closed the bridge and ordered an evacuation of the site. After moving location again, counter-protesters continued to shout at and harass the Falun Gong practitioners.

Afterward, a car arrived on a road closed for China’s G20 delegation, and individuals exited the vehicle to direct the counter-protesters already in the area to continue disrupting the peaceful demonstration.

“Yes, there were strong young men, adult men, young girls, adult women, and all of them seriously disrespecting us, curtailing our freedom, oppressing us, trying to lower our banner with their hands and with flag handles,” Alberto said. “As we left, the Chinese counter-protesters followed and photographed their Uber cars,” Alberto said. They were accompanied by two Brazilian bodyguards who, according to observations by the Falun Gong practitioners, appeared to be armed.

The Brazilian demonstrators managed to leave the event safely with police assistance.

An Epoch Times Brasil reporter covering the event was also followed by the Chinese counterprotesters. The Uber car she used to leave the premises was repeatedly photographed by them. They also intimidated her and followed her up close as she boarded the vehicle.

US Falun Gong Protection Act

On June 25, the U.S. House of Representatives passed H.R. 4132, the “Falun Gong Protection Act.”

This historic bill is the first U.S. federal law proposed to specifically combat the human rights abuses suffered by tens of millions of Falun Gong practitioners in China and addresses the crimes of forced organ harvesting.

A companion bill was introduced in the U.S. Senate by Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.), President-elect Donald Trump’s nominee to head foreign affairs in the next U.S. administration.

Emmanuele Khouri contributed to this report.

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