Campaigners Call for End of Transplant Collaborations With China Over Forced Organ Harvesting
A panelist says evidence shows that the killing of Falun Gong practitioners by forced organ harvesting has continued ‘unabated for the past 25 years.’
Countries should adopt laws to stop any organ transplant collaborations with China, campaigners said in the Hague on Tuesday.
Speaking during a panel discussion at the event, Kayan Wong, spokesperson for the Falun Gong community in the Netherlands, said she hopes the Dutch Parliament will pass legislation similar to the U.S. Falun Gong Protection Act.
Panelist Andreas Weber, a medical doctor and European deputy director of human rights watchdog Doctors Against Forced Organ Harvesting (DAFOH), said the legislation is a “very balanced” and “very intelligent” response to the human rights atrocity.
He called for the immediate halt to any research collaboration and business with China in the transplant field “until independent investigations have been conducted” on allegations of forced organ harvesting in China.
The event, co-hosted by DAFOH and Hague-based Global Human Rights Defence, will be the first of several in Europe, according to moderator Dhir H. van Bommel, former member of the Dutch Parliament and former member of the Socialist Party.
Falun Gong: Main Victim Group
Forced organ harvesting in China is the state-sanctioned extracting of organs by force, mostly from prisoners of conscience, for transplantation purposes.
First introduced to the public in 1992 in China under the communist regime, Falun Gong has been taught as a traditional qigong practice, which includes meditative exercises and the cultivation of one’s moral character. Its health benefits initially earned the praise of state-run media outlets.
As the practice grew in popularity, with an official estimate of 70 million practitioners, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) began to perceive the spiritual movement as a threat. Investigators and campaigners say that the mass incarceration of Falun Gong practitioners since 1999, as well as their healthy lifestyle, made them a perfect “donor” pool for what was soon to be the CCP’s billion-dollar on-demand transplant industry.
Since then, investigators have also found evidence that the Uyghur people and other ethnic minority groups have fallen victim to organ harvesting.
Several legislatures have taken steps to stop their citizens from traveling to China to receive organ transplants.
In 2022, the UK passed legislation banning residents from buying, selling, or facilitating transactions of human organs anywhere in the world.
Cold Genocide
Presenting DAFOH’s 2024 report before the panel discussion on Tuesday, Weber said evidence shows that the killing of Falun Gong practitioners by forced organ harvesting has continued “unabated for the past 25 years.”
He described the human rights atrocity as a cold genocide, in which the CCP attempts to eradicate Falun Gong with “a genocide that remains unnoticed and moves on slowly, achieving the goal of destroying a religious group over 25 years or more.”
Calling for a halt of all collaboration with China’s organ transplant industry, Weber said such mass-execution by medical professionals means that China’s transplant market has been “built on the blood and bodies of unjustly persecuted Falun Gong practitioners.”