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Diabetes Increases After COVID-19 Infection, 5 Tips to Improve Outcome

Infection with COVID-19 has produced a wide range of new, returning, and ongoing post-COVID health outcomes, including an increased risk of developing diabetes.

A recent systematic review and meta-analysis published in Nature, found that COVID-19 was associated with a 66 percent higher risk of new onset diabetes. The review screened 853 studies before yielding eight studies, from three countries, consisting of over 47 million participants, with the highest risk found in the United States, compared to those in Europe.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports that nearly 11 percent of the population in the United States has been diagnosed with diabetes. More than 100,000 Americans died from the disease in 2021.

Dr. Hu Naiwen, a traditional Chinese medicine physician at the Shanghai Tong Te Tang in Taipei, Taiwan, proposes five tips to help diabetic patients lower their blood sugar levels, avoid diabetic ulcers, heal their wounds, and avoid the risk of amputation.

Because diabetes is a chronic disease that requires lifelong health management, Hu encourages diabetics to eat a nutritious diet and exercise properly.

Must-Eat Nutritional Cells in Starch and Cereal Grain

Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) says, “the five grains serve to nourish,” and considers them essential to the health of the human body. “The five grains” include barley, millet, Chinese sorghum, glutinous rice, and beans, which are all considered to be food staples.

According to Hu, grains and cereals are essential energy sources for the body, and porridge is even better. Sufficient nutrition leads to a healthy body with enough energy to restore cell function and enable the natural healing of diabetic wounds. In addition, a moderate amount of exercise can enhance results.

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The Trick to Controlling Sugar Levels Is to Move Your Hands and Feet

Diabetic patients with wounds on their feet often avoid exercise, resulting in poor blood circulation, physical decline, and a weakening body, inhibiting the body’s ability to naturally heal. Hu suggests that when the blood sugar level rises, diabetic patients can lower their blood sugar through exercise by turning it into cellular energy. Exercise causes blood sugar levels to naturally decrease.

Hu says, “move a bit” is an excellent goal for diabetics to improve their physical fitness. Even older people holding their hands up to do stretching exercises, patting their bodies, or stomping their feet, can lower blood sugar levels. Just 30 seconds a day is enough to start, then gradually increase the time by five seconds each day. The most critical factor is perseverance.

To Speed Up Wound Healing, Stop Taking Anti-Inflammatory Drugs

In people with diabetes, wounds can take longer to heal, and many take anti-inflammatory drugs for chronic inflammation. Hu said anti-inflammatory drugs are cold in nature, and long-term use can cause a cooler body. Therefore, the body temperature will drop and allow the virus to grow. The cooler the wound is, the more difficult it is to heal. Hu suggests avoiding anti-inflammatory drugs and instead using Chinese medicine to replenish the qi (vital energy), which can help heal the wound.

The concept of “qi” in TCM can be understood as the “energy” or “vital energy” that flows throughout the body to maintain life. When the qi is imbalanced or deficient in the body, people will get sick.

Chinese Medicine Can Activate the Peripheral Nerves and Save the Limbs

Bruising commonly appears in diabetic patients, as it is caused by the rupture of blood vessels at the periphery, or obstruction of blood circulation. By activating blood and resolving stasis, TCM prevents bruised peripheral blood vessels from bleeding under the skin. This prevents amputation or deterioration after amputation.

Hu said ingredients like Si Wu Tang (decoction), oxalis, eucommia, cinnamomum, and mulberry have the effect of activating blood and resolving stasis. Activated blood and adequate nutrition can save the feet. If the skin already has ulcers or necrosis, it can be treated with Gleditsia Combination or other TCM qi replenishing methods. It can also be treated with Si Junzi Tang, Liu Junzi Tang, and Bazhen Tang to replenish the qi.

In TCM theory, “blood” is mainly responsible for nourishing and keeping the body moist. It flows from the internal organs to the skin, flesh, bone, and muscle.

Keeping Your Blood Sugar Low Can Take Your Life

Hu reminds diabetic patients that lowering blood sugar is potentially life-threatening. Sugar provides energy to our brain cells. The sugar in the blood is transported to the brain and helps the brain complete what it wants to do. An insufficient supply of sugar to the brain will cause fatigue and dizziness. Serious insufficiency will result in fainting, shock, or even death.

Hu further explains that the body needs enough sugar to heal wounds. When the blood sugar level is low, cells cannot obtain energy and maintain vitality. Reducing sugar will cause cells to die due to a lack of nutrients, and they will not be able to resist the invasion of bacteria.

*Some of the herbs mentioned in this article may be unfamiliar, but they are generally available in Asian supermarkets.

Note: Because everyone’s body is unique, it is recommended you consult with your doctor or a TCM expert.

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