China News

EXCLUSIVE DOCUMENTARY—The Final War | Chapter 2: Stealth World War III

In early 2020, an article titled “From another perspective, this is World War III!” occupied the Chinese regime’s state-controlled outlets. For the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), the unprecedented pandemic isn’t just a global health crisis, but an opportunity “unseen in a century,” a historical event that’s able to reset the world order and make the Chinese regime the new global leader.

In this chapter, we explore how the CCP has weaponized the global pandemic, waging an invisible war of information and psychology to stamp down the confidence citizens of the free world have in the democratic system, and how the Chinese regime has sowed discord in American society, propagating America’s decline and the so-called inevitable rise of authoritarian, communist China.

Why is this documentary important?

A third world war. This is a new and concerning signal, a threat far more serious to our national security than that posed by the Taliban, or even the pandemic. It would be understandable if the phrase is just a metaphor, if the Chinese regime is simply likening the degree of the pandemic’s global damage to post-war trauma. But is there more to the story, when the crisis gets turned in favor of the CCP and its grand scheme to wage a new world war? What happens when the Chinese regime—in supporting terrorism—has its eyes on the United States? Are we becoming the target of this “third world war”?

The Final War” is a must-watch for anyone who cares about the freedom of America.

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