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Factors Affecting Diabetes and a Cure for Blood Clogging

Diabetes is a systemic metabolic disorder that increases the risk of severe disease in people infected with COVID-19.

According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) website, nearly four in 10 adults who died from COVID-19 in the United States had diabetes. Diabetes seriously affects daily life and increases the risk of death.

What are the causes of diabetes?

A 2012 study published in the journal Diabetes Technology & Therapeutics found that greater glycemic variability may be associated with lower quality of life and negative moods. Researchers had 23 women with Type 2 diabetes wear a continuous glucose monitoring system for 72 hours and complete a series of questionnaires. The results found that women with diabetes and co-morbid depression had higher anxiety, anger, and lower quality of life than those without depression. In addition, subjects with higher trait anxiety tended to have steeper glucose excursions.

Stress is also an important contributor to pathological conditions in humans. A 2012 review of studies published in the journal Sci Signal showed a negative effect of acute stress on the maintenance of blood glucose concentrations in patients with Type 1 and 2 diabetes. Stress can influence the development of Type 2 diabetes indirectly by promoting obesity and metabolic syndrome.

Dr. Wu Kuo-Pin, director of Xinyitang Chinese Medicine Clinic in Taiwan, said stress, emotional excitement, and various situations make the sympathetic nerves excited, causing a large secretion of hormones that raise blood sugar, including growth hormone, adrenocorticotropic hormone, insulin, and glucagon, increasing blood sugar.

Wu said that when a person’s mood fluctuates, the body’s internal energy system becomes unstable, and blood sugar levels fluctuate along with his mood.

In addition, blood sugar levels can be affected when the body has an acute or chronic infection. Wu said that one of his patients suddenly contracted some disease, and his body became inflamed. As the body had to save itself, it secreted more sugar, causing the patient’s blood sugar to become very high.

Wu pointed out that causes of abnormal blood sugar also include excess fatigue resulting in metabolic imbalance, women with irregular menstruation, body pain including fractures, muscle stiffness, pain, and numbness.

Obese People Are Prone to Get Diabetes

Tong Xiaolin, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and a traditional Chinese physician who has studied diabetes in-depth, mentioned in his book “Tong Xiaolin Discussing Chinese Medicine for Diabetes” that about 80 percent of diabetic patients are overweight and usually have poor sleep quality. Some may also have constipation, mood swings or inflammation, etc. These different physical conditions will affect the blood sugar level, and people with high blood sugar have poor metabolism.

Wu and his clinical observations also found a similar phenomenon. He said that thin people might also have diabetes, which generally only accounts for 20 percent of patients. Nowadays, most diabetics are obese. Obesity is associated with poor metabolism, and such a physique poses a potential risk of high blood sugar. This is the diagnosis from the physique.

In addition to body type, sleep quality is also an important clue. People with high blood sugar often have sleep disorders. If the insomnia problem is not resolved, the blood sugar will not drop. Wu explained that people who do not sleep easily do not necessarily have diabetes, but for people who do not sleep well and have high blood sugar, their blood sugar will not come down quickly.

Wu said the body has an automatic repair system. Through sleeping, blood sugar, blood lipids, blood pressure, hormones, and the nervous system, achieve the effect of adjustment and repair so that the whole system enters a balanced state. Without good sleep, the body’s metabolic repair is certainly not good—resulting in chronic inflammation, and relatively high blood sugar that can’t be lowered.

Wu said that some people with high blood sugar and diabetes are diagnosed for a long time. If the problem is not dealt with, the long-term accumulation of the problem will cause the body’s metabolism to become very bad. That is to say, the body will produce “stagnation”—blood stagnation, and blood stasis—many places will not circulate and will become blocked which can cause blindness and poor circulation to the arms and legs in the later stages of the disease.

Meditation Can Open the Blockage of Blood Vessels

Wu said people with blood sugar problems should take foods or medications that promote circulation and prevent the condition from worsening. Diabetes can be fatal because the high sugar content in the blood leads to impaired circulation, which causes many chronic diseases, including cardiovascular and kidney disease, eventually leading to death.

In addition to following the doctor’s prescriptions for different patients’ physical conditions and illnesses, Wu and Tong both recommend meditation to improve the circulation of the body system without taking medication.

Tong pointed out that to improve the symptoms of end-stage diabetes, such as numb feet, the effect of drugs may not be so good, but one of the simplest ways is to meditate. When meditating, the legs will be coiled up, and the peripheral circulation of the feet is not good at this time, but after meditation, once the feet are relaxed, the blood will instantly flush quickly, which can help to open the blockages.

Wu said, “In addition to the above-mentioned factors that interfere with blood glucose, the patient’s life, diet, emotional stress, and other aspects need to be adjusted for a better cure.”

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