China News

Pro-CCP Group Trains 400 Local Students to Become ‘Little Red Guards’ for National Security Education

The Hong Kong government has chosen April 15 as “National Security Education Day for All” to promote propaganda and national security to young children.

This year’s education theme is “National security is the foundation of stability and prosperity.” Pro-government media printed a ten-page feature to push national security. The newspaper also mentions the government may develop virtual exhibitions later to make learning about national security more “fun.”

A pro-communist organization has trained nearly 400 primary school students in Wong Tai Sin District to become the Little for National Security of Hong Kong, who will visit local kindergartens to pitch national security stories to students aged between about two to six.

Education professionals criticized the government’s “appalling and “scary” plan to use young kids to become the surveillance medium for the CCP. Like Young Pioneers of China under the Communist Youth League, the children are equipped to become Hong Kong’s “Little Red Guards” to promote the regime’s totalitarian ideology at an older age.

Young Pioneers are part of the mass youth organizations aimed at children between six to fourteen under the Communist Youth League in China.

According to the Hong Kong government’s event introduction flyers, district home affairs departments will back activities organized by some non-governmental organizations.

Regime Taking Over Hong Kong Youth

In December 2022, the trained Little Pioneers shared stories promoting NS initiated in Wong Tai Sin.

Wong Tai Sin District Home Affairs Department funded the event with approximately HK$166,000 (US$21,000) using funds from the District Community Involvement Plan.

“Love U All Charitable Funds” (LUACF) was the main event organizer. Other partnered organizations included Hong Kong Culture, Sports, and Tourism Association and Wong Tai Sin Primary School Head Association.

The CCP’s official mouthpiece media in Hong Kong, Wenweipo, reported in December 2022 that the Wong Tai Sin District Committee and East Kowloon Residents Committee were co-organizers.

A total of 20 primary schools and 11 kindergartens participated in the 2022 programs. Each primary school sent 18 students as the national security’s “little helpers” on that day.

The pro-CCP group disguised itself as a charity to convince people to join the mass youth brainwashing initiative.

In January, primary school teachers were the first to study three picture books about national security education for young children. The three books are “In the Arms of Mom and Dad, A Visit To Asia World Expo,” and “I Love the Motherland.”

The publishing house of the three books was the workshop host.

Once the primary school teachers completed their workshops, they passed on what they learned about the books to their school children from January to March. The children, who became the Youth Pioneers, could infect kindergarten students similarly this April.

Propaganda-sharing event organizer LUACF claimed in December 2022 that there would have been 32 schools joining the program. However, Wenweipo reported differently in April, only 20 primary schools and 11 kindergartens joined the initiative.

An estimated 380 primary school students are in training to be Young Pioneers of National Security.

With the main event organizer linked to the Hong Kong Liaison Office, LUACF sponsored Youth Pioneers for National Security Education.

The founding President, a member of the board of Yan Chai Hospital of the “Charity, Daisy Poon Chan Oi-ching. She is also a member of the Standing Committee of the Hebei Provincial CCP, which is responsible for managing te day to day party affairs of the provincial body.

The LUACF disguised itself as a nonprofit group while claiming it was founded in June 2008 by a group of public hospital rehabilitation patients. The disguised “charity” has no background in national security education or politics.

Fake Charity Receives Donations From Citizens

The organization claimed on its website that the group’s purpose was to care for the old, the weak, the disabled, and those in need in the disadvantaged community and promote the concept of care.

It was officially named Love U All Charitable Funds in 2009.

The Epoch Times discovered that the “nonprofit group” is closely linked to the Hong Kong Liaison Office.

On July 23, 2022, LUACF held an event for donations and family time in Victoria Harbor.

Vice Minister of the Kowloon Work Department of the liaison office in Hong Kong, Guo Changyong, was one of the officiating guests.

On Oct. 17, 2019, the Vice President of the liaison office, He Jing, and the Vice Minister of the Kowloon Work Department of the liaison office, Wang Xiaoling, were officiating guests at the 10th Anniversary Charity Cantonese Opera Singing Gala, which LUACF hosted.

Board Director of LUACF,” Conveyor of Young Pioneers for National Security Education (YPNSE), Deannie Yew Yat-wa is a subsector voter of the Hong Kong Chief Executive Election Committee.

Yeung Wing-yu, a former manager of the Examination and Evaluation Bureau and a historian, described the YPNSE scheme as “appalling and scary” and “way more ridiculous than the Nazi Era”; Yeung also said the government plan must be condemned during an interview with The Epoch Times on April 9.

The Historian compared Little Pioneers to the youth in the Nazi Era, “In order to maintain national security, the Hitler Youth League in the Nazi era heavily monitored and prevented the people from practicing Christianity.”

He said the youngest to join the Nazi league was ten years old.

He elaborated that the Hong Kong government had used adults to guide ten-year-old kids to brainwash kindergartners. “The regime is turning innocent children into flag bearers and little red guards for the Chinese regime.”

Young Pioneers Compared to CCP’s Youth Pioneers League

The politics scholar Chung elaborated on concepts of political scholars: using the possible dissident’s support in an attempt to become their enemies. Chung added on April 9 that the regime’s plan of using small children to “sell national security stories” is “very evil” in an attempt to make propaganda more convincing.

The current affairs professor added, “The program is similar to Young Pioneers of the CCP. Those kids, or little teachers of national security education, may become the mainstream surveillance tool, who will continue to promote related brainwashing tasks.”

Chung worried it would be nearly impossible to revert if the very young children’s distorted values dominated the worldview.

Therefore, the professor strongly urges Hong Kong parents to refuse any initiative of Young Pioneers for National Security Education and stand firm in saying no to schools.

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