China News

US, China, Taiwan Speed Up Defense Preparations

Preparations for possible military action in the Indo-Pacific is speeding up.

A key part of Taiwan’s most advanced anti-ship missile ended up in China for repairs. The island is immediately running security checks and scanning for data leaks.

A Chinese columnist cheers debate over the House’s incoming speaker. Could the chamber’s planned action on China fall apart if Kevin McCarthy fails his bid for the gavel?

The European Union is boosting border control rules for arrivals from China.

Philippines–China talks are ending in new agreements. The Philippine president is meeting with Beijing’s Premier and top leader.

Topics in this episode:

  1. U.S., China, Taiwan Speed Up Defense Preparations
  2. Advanced Taiwan Military Device in China for Repair
  3. NATO Chief Cautions Against Dependence on China
  4. Ex-NATO Head Urges Unity Over Taiwan Issue
  5. Chinese Media Cheers McCarthy’s Struggle for Speaker
  6. Australia to Buy Long-Range U.S.-Made HIMARS Missiles
  7. EU Urges Nations to Require Negative COVID-19 Tests for Arrivals from China
  8. German Expats in China Receive First Foreign Vaccine
  9. Dell to Stop Using China-Made Chips by 2024
  10. Philippines’ Marcos Meets Premier, CCP Head in China
  11. Tennis: WTA’s Return to China Depends on Peng Case
  12. Hong Kong Emigrants Bring Milk Tea Culture
  13. Situation in China Worse Than Wuhan Early Days: Yan
  14. No Need to Worry About China’s Border Reopening: Atlas

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