China News

Woman Kidnapped Outside Prison Rescued Due to Swift Action by Passers By

On the morning of Dec. 17, a woman was forcibly taken into a light truck by a few persons outside Stanley Prison in Hong Kong.
The event was filmed by passers-by at the scene. They called the police and uploaded the video to the social media platform leading to the van involved being stopped by the police about 15 minutes later. Apart from the victim, three men and one woman were arrested for suspected “unlawful detention” and other crimes.

The incident happened around 10 a.m. on Dec. 17 when a light truck parked outside Stanley Prison was used to abduct a 32-year-old woman who just finished a prison visit. A number of passers-by were at the scene, and they immediately took photos of the van’s license plate. Some tried to stop the kidnappers, but one was hit in the face by one of the perpetrators, while the others called the police. Two Correctional Services officers also tried to stop them but to no avail….

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