
Best Memory in the White House: Biden Recalls Joy of ‘Kids Jumping in Bed’

President Joe Biden, who is 81 years old and has mostly adult grandchildren, shared on Monday that his favorite memory while living in the White House has been his grandkids “sneaking up” and “jumping in bed with us.”

During a “Today” interview before the annual White House Easter Egg Roll, NBC’s Al Roker asked Biden about his favorite memories of the place.

“Our grandkids, when they’re down here, just sneaking up and jumping in bed with us. That’s my favorite memory here. They love it,” Biden told Roker.

He continued, “They love wandering through the halls. They love coming down.”

Biden has seven grandchildren, five of whom are legal adults. There’s also Hunter Biden’s toddler son Beau and a girl fathered by Hunter.

The president has been known to share personal anecdotes that have been questioned for accuracy, The New York Post reported.

In the same interview, Biden mentioned that the U.S. has the “best economy in the world.”

Biden’s demeanor during the interview was in contrast to reports of his reaction to a drop in support in battleground states for his reelection bid.

Two weeks ago, NBC News reported that Biden, during a private meeting at the White House in January, shouted and swore after learning about his declining poll numbers in Michigan and Georgia over his handling of the Israel-Hamas war.

Charlie McCarthy

Charlie McCarthy, a writer/editor at Newsmax, has nearly 40 years of experience covering news, sports, and politics.

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