
Biden Expresses Frustration with Media’s Reporting on Polls

President Joe Biden is frustrated with the media’s coverage of his poll numbers, with his campaign asserting that it’s still too early to rely on these surveys, reports The Hill.

This comes after a Quinnipiac University poll showed Biden slightly ahead of former President Donald Trump, 48% to 45%. Despite this, an aggregation of over 600 polls currently has Trump leading Biden by 0.9 percentage points.

Biden has frequently voiced his displeasure about the media’s focus on polls during private donor events, as reported by The Hill.

During a campaign stop in Raleigh, North Carolina, Biden remarked, “While we probably haven’t read a lot about it, in the last few days, there have been several national polls showing us leading now.”

Similar sentiments were shared by Biden in Houston last week and at a campaign reception in Reno, Nevada on March 19. He emphasized the need to focus on the campaign rather than getting distracted by early poll numbers.

According to Democratic communications strategist Katie Grant Drew, the president’s statements are a strategic move to highlight positive poll numbers to donors and maintain their support.

Solange Reyner

Solange Reyner is a writer and editor for Newsmax. She has more than 15 years in the journalism industry reporting and covering news, sports and politics.

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