
CBS Poll Shows Trump and Biden Neck and Neck in National and Battleground Races

According to a new CBS poll, Donald Trump and President Joe Biden are currently neck and neck both nationally and in the battleground states.

Despite Trump’s recent guilty verdict in a fraud case in New York City, issues such as the economy, inflation, and the border give Trump an advantage over Biden in the eyes of voters.

The poll shows that nationally, 49% of Democrats support Biden and 50% of Republicans back Trump. However, these percentages are reversed in the battleground states.

Additionally, the survey revealed that more voters are now supporting Biden to oppose Trump, with 54% stating this as a reason in the latest poll compared to 47% in March.

Other key findings from the poll include:

  • Trump outperforms Biden in qualities like toughness, energy, effectiveness, and competence, while Biden is seen as more compassionate.
  • Trump is favored over Biden in terms of having a vision for the country.
  • Approval ratings for Biden’s executive order on border crossings are at 70%.
  • Most voters believe Biden’s policies would increase illegal border crossings, while Trump’s policies would decrease them.
  • There is support for a national program to deport all undocumented immigrants.
  • More voters believe they will be better off financially if Trump wins the election.
  • Black voters overwhelmingly support Biden over Trump.
  • Women and independents slightly favor Biden over Trump.

The poll also shows high voter turnout expectations, with 78% of Democrats nationally and 87% in battleground states planning to vote in the 2024 election.

The margin of error for the poll is plus or minus 3.2 percentage points among all adults and 3.8 percentage points among registered voters.

Fran Beyer

Fran Beyer is a writer with Newsmax and covers national politics.

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