
Congressman McCarthy Affirms Desire to Serve in Trump’s Cabinet

Former House Speaker Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., reiterated his interest in serving in a potential Trump administration in 2025 as he leaves Congress at the end of this month.

McCarthy said in an interview Saturday night he supports former President Donald Trump in 2024 and expects him to be the 2024 GOP nominee.

“I will help whether I’m in it or whether I’m out,” McCarthy said. “I want the country to be successful. I tell the president all the time, it’s about rebuilding, restoring, and renewing this country.”

McCarthy had a rocky relationship with the former president, notably when he declined to publicly support Trump’s bid for a second term, despite being one of his earliest and most loyal allies. But they always seem to patch things up, and as McCarthy prepares to leave Congress he gave his nod.

“I will support the president. I will support President Trump,” McCarthy told “CBS News Sunday Morning” last week.

McCarthy has not disclosed his post-Congress plans, but asked if he would willing to serve in a Trump cabinet, he said, “In the right position, look, if I’m the best person for the job, yes.”

“Look, I worked with President Trump on a lot of policies. I, we, worked together to win the majority,” he told CBS’s Robert Costa in the interview. “But we also have a relationship where we’re very honest with one another.”

Material from The Associated Press contributed to this report

Eric Mack |

Eric Mack has been a writer and editor at Newsmax since 2016. He is a 1998 Syracuse University journalism graduate and a New York Press Association award-winning writer.

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