
Democrats Fearful of Biden’s Campaign, Politico Reports

Concern is growing within the Democratic Party regarding President Joe Biden’s chances at re-election, according to a report from Politico.

Even individuals who were once confident in Biden’s ability to defeat former President Donald Trump are now expressing worry.

Politico’s interviews with party officials and operatives reveal a widening gap between public statements and private concerns.

“You don’t want to be the one going on record saying we’re doomed, the campaign is bad, or Biden is making mistakes,” one unnamed democratic operative mentioned. “Nobody wants to be that guy.”

Trump, who leads Biden in most battleground states, has raised more funds in April.

Further uncertainties for Biden arise as Trump’s New York trial nears completion and a trial involving Hunter Biden is set to commence in Delaware.

An adviser to Democrat donors has compiled a list of nearly two dozen reasons why Biden could lose to Trump.

Reasons include immigration policies, inflation, and the president’s age.

Democrats are urging Biden to show more empathy concerning inflation, as voters are skeptical of his positive economic rhetoric, according to a report from The Wall Street Journal.

Polls consistently show that voters view the economy more favorably under Trump, giving him more credit on economic matters.

Rep. Ann Kuster, D-N.H., who is retiring after the fall election, expressed concern over the Supreme Court’s altered abortion rights under Trump.

Jeffrey Rodack, a seasoned editor with nearly fifty years of experience in journalism, has covered politics for Newsmax for almost seven years.

Jeffrey Rodack

Jeffrey Rodack, who has nearly a half century in news as a senior editor and city editor for national and local publications, has covered politics for Newsmax for nearly seven years.

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