
Majority of Participants in McLaughlin Poll Believe Bidenomics is Negative for Them

According to a McLaughlin & Associates national survey, 84% of likely U.S. voters say inflation and higher costs have affected their lives, and 50% feel that Bidenomics has been “bad or very bad for the economy, inflation, and the cost of living.”

The survey also found that 49% said they would pick Donald Trump over Joe Biden as president in a head-to-head contest, a 2-point increase since McLaughlin’s last survey.

John McLaughlin, the pollster, told the Washington Examiner, “President Trump’s strategy to run an issue-centered campaign challenging Joe Biden’s failed policies has worked perfectly. Joe Biden’s corrupt campaign of indictments against President Trump has backfired.”

“With 54 days to the Iowa caucuses and 11 months to Election Day, Joe Biden is merely doubling down on failure.”

Biden in June touted a broad economic plan he said would help restore the American dream as part of his 2024 presidential run, stating, “The trickle-down approach failed the middle class. It failed America. I knew we couldn’t go back to the same failed policies when I ran. So I came into office determined to change the economic direction of this country, to move from trickle-down economics to what everyone at [The] Wall Street Journal and Financial Times began to call ‘Bidenomics.'”

Solange Reyner |

Solange Reyner is a writer and editor for Newsmax. She has more than 15 years in the journalism industry reporting and covering news, sports, and politics.

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