
Rep. Murphy to Newsmax: US Should Not be Funding China

Rep. Greg Murphy, R-N.C., told Newsmax Monday that while China is working towards a new world order and global dominance, the United States should not be funding the communist nation and should instead shift its focus inward.

“We should be honestly doing everything we can to defund our initiatives in China,” Murphy said during an appearance on Newsmax’s “The Chris Salcedo Show.” “You know, I’ve actually done some initiatives as far as trying to get colleges and universities to get their investments in China out of their endowments. There’s no reason we should be funding China. We should be pulling things back and near-shoring and on-shoring so many of these companies that we depend on their products from China.”

“All wars are not ballistic in nature,” he continued. “And so we’re at one, really, with China in so many different initiatives. They want to see the American way of life torn down and we need to stand in the way of that happening.”

Murphy said that, in addition to “cheating on trade” and “working on taking over the dollar as the dominant form of currency,” China is also establishing “a military alliance with Russia.”

“These two countries combined, if they combine their military power, especially given the high tensions in Taiwan, speaks very, very poorly for the future of world peace,” he said.

Right now, Murphy said, the U.S. is “calling things out” with China and “trying to attack them on trade” and “financial things.”

“If you look back at what the Reagan administration did with Russia, and how they were actually unable to take Russia down, it was really financially,” he said. “This is what we really need to do finance-wise, because if you look at what’s happening with so much of our trade, so many of the goods that come in the country, they’re coming from China.”

“Biden’s and the Democrats’ Green New Deal is fine for what they want to appease their emotions about climate change, but where are we getting all those things from? China,” the North Carolina congressman continued. “Where are we getting the active pharmaceutical ingredients in this country? China. In fact, if they cut off our pharmaceuticals, we’d have two months’ worth of pharmaceutical products here in this country. So, we’re trying to catch them on many, many different avenues, while at the same time actually trying to hold them militarily in check.”


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