
Scandals in Fulton County Cast Shadow on Georgia, Nation

As a 30-plus-year business owner here in Georgia, I’ve been reflecting on my uncles and family who paved the path for me to run a successful Black-owned business with my amazing wife.

Engaged in the political world since I was 18, stuffing envelopes for Ronald Reagan (I know I’m dating myself!) I often travel and, in conversations with business-people nationally.

The first thing they ask is what’s going on in Georgia, especially in Fulton County.

Everywhere this writer has gone in the past year, the Peachtree State’s Fulton County has been the butt jokes.

I never thought we would have a political system, or a district attorney using the oath of office, to indict colleagues who have worked in the community for decades just because they asked questions and challenged the 2020 election.

Or to purportedly drain the resources of Fulton County taxpayers and use it to weaponize the office against President Donald John Trump.

Many of my friends in business here in Fulton County are surprised by Fani Willis allegedly using taxpayers’ money for her purported boyfriend, Mr. Wade, and all the lavish trips reportedly taken, etc.

Meanwhile, the Department of Justice (DOJ) is investigating the Fulton County jail.

A backlog of cases involving violent criminals has not been heard! An inmate literally died due to bedbugs in that facility.

While this sounds like something right out of a Hollywood movie, it’s beyond being very real for Fulton County residents.

Georgians often hear our leadership brag about how great Georgia is for business, but existing businesses, inclusive of car dealerships, real estate firms, retail operators, and restaurant owners, are now wondering if we’re getting a bad rap.

This scenario may be affecting the great reputation of our county, deterring potential businesses from coming here.

This writer recently spoke to a franchise proprietor who said he didn’t want to put a franchise in Fulton County because he doesn’t trust the judicial system.

Whether you agree or disagree, Republican or Democrat, this is not good for the great state of Georgia, let alone the citizens of Fulton County. Nor is it good for our great nation.

If you sit back and allow this behavior to continue, just remember this could be you or your family.

Bruce LeVell is a 2016, 2020, and 2024 elections senior adviser, former Small Business Adminstration (SBA) advocate for the White House, and appointee to our nation’s 45th president: Donald J. Trump.

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