
Senator Rubio Considered for Vice President, Faces Residency Issue in Florida

The list of potential vice presidential picks for Donald Trump, the presumptive Republican presidential nominee, is growing rather than shrinking. There has been increasing speculation, especially after Trump suggested that his running mate may have been part of his GOP unity meeting in Congress last week.

One rising name on the list is Sen. Marco Rubio from Florida, who is reportedly “well-liked” by Trump. However, Rubio has acknowledged a “residency problem.” According to Florida-based Republican strategist Justin Sayfie, Rubio might be the candidate that the Biden campaign fears the most. He has an American success story as the child of immigrants who rose to a powerful position in government.

With the Republican National Committee Convention less than a month away, VP speculation is reaching a peak. While Rubio is considered an ideal pick by many media outlets, there is a constitutional hurdle to overcome. The 12th Amendment states that the president and VP cannot be residents of the same state.

Despite the potential obstacles, Rubio has crafted a legal memo outlining workarounds for the 12th Amendment clause. Trump remains skeptical, as this could add more legal challenges to his already complicated campaign.

If Rubio were to be announced as VP and Trump were elected, there could be complications due to the residency requirement. Residency could become a major issue as the election nears, and any legal hurdles could impact Trump’s chances.

Although Rubio has a residency issue, he is still considered a strong candidate who could appeal to a broad range of voters. His communication skills are praised, and he is well-liked by Trump.

Eric Mack

Eric Mack has been a writer and editor at Newsmax since 2016. He is a 1998 Syracuse University journalism graduate and a New York Press Association award-winning writer.

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