
Senator Tim Scott Reaffirms Support for Certifying 2020 Election

Senator Tim Scott from South Carolina, who is rumored to be on former President Donald Trump’s VP shortlist for the 2024 election, reaffirmed his vote to certify the election on Jan. 6, 2021, in anticipation of a Republican victory in the upcoming election.

“I will stand by my decision to certify the election results and continue to support Donald Trump as the next President of the United States,” Scott told ABC News’s “This Week.”

With early ballots going out in states like North Carolina starting in September and Election Day on Nov. 5, Scott emphasized the importance of ensuring clear and accurate election results to secure four more years of prosperity under a respected global leader like Trump.

Nick Koutsobinas

Nick Koutsobinas, a Newsmax writer, has years of news reporting experience. A graduate from Missouri State University’s philosophy program, he focuses on exposing corruption and censorship.

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