
Trump Claims Lincoln Project’s Attack Ad Utilizes Artificial Intelligence

Former President Donald Trump is criticizing an attack ad, alleging that it utilized artificial intelligence to portray him in a negative light.

Trump’s remarks were made in response to an ad by The Lincoln Project, an anti-Trump organization. He made these comments on his Truth Social platform on Monday night.

“The perverts and losers at the failed and once disbanded Lincoln Project, and others, are using A.I. (Artificial Intelligence) in their Fake television commercials in order to make me look as bad and pathetic as Crooked Joe Biden, not an easy thing to do,” he wrote. “FoxNews shouldn’t run these ads, just as low ratings CNN & MSDNC will not, under any circumstances, run negative ads on Biden or the Democrats. They are, after all, in-kind campaign contributors to the Dems!”

Forbes pointed out that the ad is also available on YouTube and social media platform X. The news outlet also stated that the ad incorporates well-known gaffes from Trump’s 2024 campaign and his presidency.

One Lincoln Project ad on YouTube is titled “Feeble” and claims Trump is “weak and appears unsteady.” It questions if Trump is certain “he doesn’t have dementia.”

Forbes reached out to The Lincoln Project for comment and was directed to a post on X by Rick Wilson, the group’s co-founder. He wrote: “Listen, you shambling pantloaf, we didn’t need AI to make you look like an impotent, drooling codger in steep cognitive decline. @ProjectLincoln just showed reality and you can’t take it. Stay turned for more. We know you can’t look away.”

Jeffrey Rodack |

Jeffrey Rodack, who has nearly a half century in news as a senior editor and city editor for national and local publications, has covered politics for Newsmax for nearly seven years.

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