
Age aside, Joe Biden’s presidency was a failure, and Democrats must still be held accountable for it.

Joe Biden dropping out of the presidential race provides a solution to a single problem for Democrats: Age.

The issue of senility was just one aspect of the larger problems that marred Biden’s presidency.

On all fronts – economy, foreign policy, social issues – the administration failed the American people. Biden stepping aside won’t fix the underlying failures.

Even before his lackluster performance in a national debate, a majority of Americans had already determined that Biden wasn’t fit for the role of commander in chief.

His approval rating currently sits at a disappointing 38%, which remains unchanged from a year into his term back in 2022. The dissatisfaction runs deep.

Kamala Harris, the likely successor, may tout her ability to use the stairs on Air Force One, but she ultimately bears the responsibility for the Democratic administration’s failures.

The party is unlikely to run against the Biden record, as it would lack credibility to do so. Therefore, endorsing a continuation of the Biden legacy poses a challenge in defending it.

Biden assumed office as the pandemic was winding down, with vaccines developed under Operation Warp Speed and the country beginning to reopen. Instead of capitalizing on this momentum, the President pushed for more stimulus and progressive programs, exacerbating dependence on the government.

Biden’s lax immigration policies allowed a surge in illegal migrants entering the country. James Keivom for New York Post

Not surprisingly, inflation soared, reaching 8% by 2022 – levels unseen since the early 1980s.

Biden’s presidency was marked by deceit, claiming false narratives about the economy and job creation, while his policies further exacerbated the situation.

Latest updates on President Biden’s withdrawal from the 2024 presidential race:

The reversal of Trump-era border policies led to a surge of at least 10 million illegal immigrants, impacting the job market and taxpayers across the country.

This burden falls heavily on Harris, who was appointed as the “border czar” but failed to address the crisis.

Despite rhetoric about addressing root causes, Harris made minimal efforts, contributing to a continuous influx of migrants from various regions.

Biden oversaw a disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan resulting in the deaths of 13 US troops. EPA/AKHTER GULFAM

Meanwhile, the mishandled withdrawal from Afghanistan, culminating in the deaths of American soldiers, stands as one of Biden’s most significant failures.

Key points regarding President Biden’s withdrawal from the 2024 presidential race:

Internationally, Biden’s appeasement towards Iran resulted in escalating tensions, further undermining his foreign policy initiatives.

Domestically, his signature legislation, named the Inflation Reduction Act, failed to address inflation and misrepresented its energy policy objectives.

Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and other global challenges unfolded during Biden’s term. Photo by ROMAN PILIPEY/AFP via Getty Images

Biden’s policies, characterized by green subsidies and executive overreach, have raised concerns about the impact on the economy and democratic governance.

The discontent with Biden stems from his overall performance as President, beyond just issues of age or memory impairment. Changing nominees won’t address the underlying issues plaguing the administration.

Replacing Biden with a more left-leaning candidate like Harris may not offer a solution but simply present the same failures in a different guise.

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