America is cured from the woke mind virus thanks to Trump’s comeback victory

They were the ten words that sealed the comeback deal for Donald Trump.
“Kamala is for they/them, President Trump is for you,” said the campaign ad first unleashed a week after Trump lost his only TV debate with Kamala Harris back in September.
The ad focused on two things: a 2019 clip of Kamala endorsing the use of taxpayer money to fund sex change surgery for transgender prison inmates, and her ongoing support for trans athletes competing in women’s sport.
The New York Times reported that the ad ‘broke through in Mr. Trump’s testing to an extent that stunned some of his aides.’
So, they poured millions more dollars into blasting it across America’s TV airwaves, including during big football matches.
This provoked Charlamagne Tha God, host of the hugely popular – especially with Black listeners – Breakfast Club radio show, to express his anger.
‘Kamala supports taxpayer funded sex changes for prisoners?’ he exclaimed on air, after playing the ad. ‘Hell no, I don’t want my taxpayer dollars going to that!’
The gleeful Trump team promptly re-edited the ad using Charlamagne’s comment at the top, and it blew up even bigger.
In fact, the NYT said it became of the most effective 30-second spots ever, shifting the race by 2.7 percentage points in Trump’s favor after viewers watched it.
It worked particularly well with black and Latino men, and with white suburban women.
And as someone who has written numerous columns about the insidious damage caused by the aggressive trans lobby, not least to women’s rights, I’m not remotely surprised.
Yes, it was widespread concern about the inflation-ravaged economy and illegal immigration crisis that primarily fueled Trump’s massive landslide.
But if you want to know why Trump won quite so big, then look no further than the Democrats’ obsession with peddling such dangerous and deluded nonsense to an increasingly enraged electorate.
I genuinely believe that the astonishing scale of his victory signifies the sudden death of what Elon Musk calls the Woke Mind Virus, and with it all the virtue-signaling, identity politics bullsh-t that has contaminated American society for the past few years.
The left love to proudly call their disingenuous claptrap ‘progressive’ but, in reality, it’s proven to be horribly regressive.
They love to brand Trump a fascist, but ironically, they themselves have been the fascists – shaming and canceling anyone and anything that dares to deviate or defy their narrow, blinkered, heavily censored and joyless worldview.
They love to call themselves liberals, but their behavior is so antithetical to liberal values it’s beyond parody.
They love to demand diversity, equity and inclusion but rush to exclude anyone they don’t like, play the race card to venomously hypocritical effect, and as we’ve seen in women’s sport, actively destroy fairness and equality.
In fact, DEI has become a template for encouraging mediocrity over meritocracy, and nobody better personifies this than Kamala Harris who Joe Biden made no secret of choosing as his Vice President because of her gender and skin color not because she was the best candidate for the job.
In the woke world, losers are winners, weakness is a virtue, and strength is a shameful thing to be despised and rejected.
Well, long-suffering Americans who’ve endured this rancid twaddle for years finally rose up and said, ENOUGH!
They turned to Donald Trump in such huge numbers, and from right across the age, race and gender divide, because they understood that for all his faults, at his core – as he said in his victory speech – lies an instinctive belief in common sense.
And by doing so, they’ve shown the rest of the world that it’s time to do the same.
One of many clear messages from the stunning election result is this: when you have a political party that tells you it’s absolutely fine for biological men to beat up women at the Olympics, as we saw to grotesque effect in Paris, whilst simultaneously trying to persuade you they’re the only people who care about women’s rights to equality and safety, the woke game is up.
Trump has said one of the first things he’ll do as president is ban transgender athletes from women’s sport, and ban children from being given puberty blockers and mutilating irreparable surgery to change their sex.
That’s what most people think is right.
And it doesn’t make you ‘transphobic’ to think that.
Similarly, most people think it’s right to stop millions of illegal immigrants pouring into America over the southern border, and to deport those who have no right to be here – especially those with criminal records.
The days of liberals screaming ‘RACIST!’ at anyone who believes this are over.
Or at least, they won’t be listened to anymore.
As Trump showed with his brilliant McDonald’s and garbage truck stunts in the run-up to the election, he gets how regular Americans feel and knows what they’re really worried about.
They couldn’t give a damn about preferred pronouns when they can’t afford to feed their kids.
That’s why his ad saying ‘Kamala’s for they/them, President Trump is for you’ worked so powerfully.
And if you ask me what was the single moment of this whole presidential race that won Trump the election, I’d say it was when he got shot in June and stood back up, blood streaming from his grazed ear, not knowing or caring if there was another shooter in the crowd — and punched the air shouting ‘FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT!’
It was an astonishing display of courage and mental strength.
And I think a lot of Americans who hadn’t voted for Trump before now saw him in a new light: as someone with balls of steels who would indeed fight for them.
As he now celebrates the greatest comeback in political history, we should all celebrate the death of wokeism that his victory symbolizes.
Common sense will now return to a world that had gone nuts – and thank God for that!