
Becoming a Father to Four Babies in Two Years Brings a Truly Meaningful Father’s Day

During Father’s Day in 2022, I did not have any children. Fast forward to Father’s Day in 2024, and now I have four little boys.

We were expecting the first boy in 2022, but the identical triplets born earlier this year took us by surprise.

When we share that we have triplets, the most common question we get is if we used IVF.

Just to clarify, you can intentionally have fraternal twins or triplets through IVF by inserting two or three embryos, but identical triplets happen naturally.

Williamson and his wife are the parents of four children, a boy born in 2022, and three identical triplet boys. Courtesy of Kevin Williamson

Identical triplets are the result of a conversation between my wife and me about wanting a bigger family, and it seems like God decided to make that happen in a big way.

My first ultrasound appointment was definitely unforgettable.

We already knew my wife was pregnant, and a home test hinted at a boy. The ultrasound technician confirmed the pregnancy and then contacted the doctor.

“Is it twins?” the doctor asked. “You only call me in when it’s twins.”

“I don’t think it’s twins,” replied the technician.

That evening I even bought a Powerball ticket because statistically unusual things were happening.

The age gap between my brother’s grandchildren and my children highlights a social divide. My brother became a grandfather before turning 40, so if my oldest son waits as long as I did to have kids, I’ll be… 98.

One common question we get is about sleep, and yes, we do manage to get some rest. The older boy had a tough time adjusting initially, but things have improved.

We make good use of babysitters to help us cope with the demands of having four kids under two years old.

With four kids under two, Williamson goes through boxes and boxes of diapers each week. picture alliance via Getty Images

Although some parts are more challenging than expected, most of it is surprisingly manageable and enjoyable.

Being adopted, I had never met any biologically related family members until I had my own children. Seeing four little faces that resemble mine is a special experience.

Williamson says his home is regularly inundated with packages from retailers. SOPA Images/LightRocket via Getty Images

Having four children in such a short span of time has amplified my gratitude for various aspects of my life, from financial stability to the support of family and friends.

My primary hope is not to mess things up and to provide my children with a happy and fulfilling life.

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