
Biden’s controversial debate performance ignites intense debate within Democratic Party – grab your snacks

Prepare your popcorn and find a seat.

The current hottest political show, unprecedented for Americans in decades, involves Democrats acting like Republicans. 

Suddenly, the party that typically sticks together is now engaged in internal conflicts.

The insults, name-calling, and nasty exchanges are reminiscent of the way the GOP lost its House majority. 

The Democratic civil war is of even greater significance as it was triggered by President Biden’s debate disaster.

It was so catastrophic that lawmakers and donors are now boldly demanding Biden’s withdrawal from the race. 

Key points about the aftermath of President Biden’s debate performance:

In response, the campaign derided the critics as the “bedwetting brigade” and instructed them to fall in line if they want to defeat Donald Trump

However, the attempts to silence dissent have failed, with even some staunch party members abandoning ship.

CNN’s Jake Tapper, a fierce Trump critic, accused the White House and Biden campaign of using Orwellian tactics to suppress dissent. 

He remarked on the discernible pattern of Democratic officials trying to make the public doubt what they saw and heard during the debate he moderated. 

Incoherent Joe 

As widely known, Biden’s debate performance was marred by brain freezes and incoherent statements, like “we finally beat Medicare.” 

His false assertion that no soldiers died under his watch was distressing to Gold Star families, with at least 16 soldiers killed in hostile actions in the last three years. 

The debate, which Biden sought to improve his declining poll numbers, caused a political earthquake, reshaping the presidential race. 

I predict the president will take a page from a politically wounded LBJ and drop out within a month. 

Meanwhile, Biden’s hidden secrets are coming to light, providing insights into his cognitive decline.

Reports suggest he is a part-time president with a lighter workload than an average civil servant. 

Sources reveal he is only “dependably engaged” for about six hours a day, with the rest often leaving him tongue-tied and exhausted. 

Most of his public events are scheduled within those six hours, creating an illusion of a fully functioning president. 

Health details concealed

According to Politico, Biden has become challenging to deal with in routine matters, with briefings tailored to please him and avoid tantrums. 

There are instances of selective information to appease him, reflecting his isolation and reliance on a small inner circle for advice. 

Despite staff members coming forward, Biden’s true medical condition remains undisclosed. 

One wonders if China, Russia, and Iran know his health issues and if they shape their aggressions based on such knowledge. 

There’s also a glaring omission from the Washington press corps.

Where has their curiosity been? 

An investigation may have unveiled Biden’s condition, but it seems they favored concealing the truth to benefit Trump. 

Furthermore, they echoed White House disinformation, showcasing their complicity in the cover-up.

If there were a Pulitzer Prize for the best cover-up of government corruption, the Washington media bigwigs would deserve it. 

They surrendered to maintaining the illusion of Biden’s fitness for a second term. 

This manipulation underscores the real threat to democracy, with the media acting as accomplices in downplaying Biden’s challenges. 

As more revelations surface, it becomes clear that the cover-up is unraveling, hopefully leading to the departure of the president who authorized it.

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