
Biden’s manipulative tactics undermine democracy

When looking at the upcoming presidential election, it’s important not to solely rely on polls.

President Biden is allocating billions of taxpayer dollars to “community organizations” in “disadvantaged communities” in an effort to influence the election outcome.

Former community organizer turned president, Barack Obama, was adept at using federal funds to empower left-wing not-for-profits and create a formidable political machine.

Utilizing taxpayer money, these organizations are able to mobilize voters and increase turnout during elections.

President Biden has expanded on Obama’s tactics, significantly increasing funding amounts.

Senator Shelley Moore Capito recently drew attention to a $50 million grant awarded by the Environmental Protection Agency to an organization called the Climate Justice Alliance, which has controversial views on political matters such as climate justice and free Palestine.

In addition to Climate Justice Alliance, the EPA has been provided with $2.8 billion for “environmental and climate justice block grants,” opening the door for a wide array of political activists to receive funding.

Some of the beneficiaries of this funding include organizations like the New York Immigration Coalition and the New Jersey Alliance for Immigrant Justice, which advocate for immigrant and refugee rights.

While the intention behind these grants may have been to improve climate conditions, the language of the law allows the funds to be used for various political activities involving disadvantaged communities.

Accessing the funds is made straightforward by the EPA to support underserved communities and marginalized populations without excessive bureaucracy.

The eligibility criteria for receiving these funds are broad, encompassing a large number of disadvantaged communities identified by the “Climate and Economic Justice Screening Tool,” which typically align with Democratic voting patterns.

Furthermore, funds are also allocated to southern border towns, potentially swaying support for President Biden’s open border policies.

President Biden has implemented the Justice40 initiative, which mandates that 40% of federal spending must benefit disadvantaged communities across various agencies, not just limited to the EPA.

Other departments like the Department of Energy are following suit, distributing funds to support these communities through “community benefit plans” with flexible application requirements.

The trend of directing federal funds to political activities in disadvantaged communities began with initiatives like the Affordable Care Act, which allocated grants for community transformation projects.

As Biden continues to prioritize voter engagement across all federal agencies, the scope and impact of these community grants are becoming increasingly significant.

These grants, although smaller compared to other funding schemes like student debt cancellation, are a direct channel for political activists to influence democracy.

It is essential for members of Congress to thoroughly review bills before passing them, eliminating unnecessary community giveaways that undermine the democratic process.

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