Big Tech Should Suspend Wikipedia Access Until It Ceases Censorship and Disinformation Promotion
A striking new report from the Media Research Center suggests that for Wikipedia, the term “true” is increasingly aligned with “left wing.” This raises the question: will companies like Google adjust their algorithms to counteract this apparent bias?
The evidence of bias is clear: Wikipedia maintains a blacklist of sources that page writers and editors can utilize — and it’s no surprise which sources rank lower on their approval scale.
Publications such as The Daily Caller, the Federalist, The Washington Free Beacon, Fox News, and even The Post often find themselves on that list.
Do you notice a pattern?
This cannot be attributed to the reasons Wikipedia states, such as claiming that these sources are particularly unreliable.
In fact, it’s quite the opposite.
The Post’s accurate reporting on Hunter Biden was falsely labeled as disinformation by Big Tech and its supporters, in an effort to help Joe Biden secure the election.
The Free Beacon consistently provides well-documented revelations regarding government wrongdoings and leftist absurdities.
It appears that their journalism challenges favored leftist narratives and exposes the embarrassments of progressives in powerful corporate and governmental positions.
For evidence of bias, take a look at the sources that receive the green light from Wikipedia.
The New York Times, a prominent organization spreading disinformation on various topics, from Joe Biden’s evident cognitive decline to COVID-19 risks.
Vox is yet another source of leftist misinformation (and a hub for general ignorance: remember the infamous bridge that reporter Zack Beauchamp falsely claimed existed between Gaza and the West Bank?).
Jacobin, for crying out loud — an organization that’s almost on par with al-Qaeda’s publication Inspire.
Indeed, Wikipedia grants its approval to none of the right-leaning media outlets and only 16% of left-leaning ones.
It’s worth mentioning that ultra-left NPR CEO Katherine Maher led Wikipedia’s parent foundation from 2016 to 2021 and has described the First Amendment as her “number one challenge” in combating “disinformation.”
The restrictions on sources have nothing to do with veracity and everything to do with suppressing any journalist who dares to defy the left.
Moreover, this undermines any debate that hasn’t received approval from the progressive elite in business, government, and the nonprofit sector.
In short, Wikipedia is actively participating in a true disinformation operation.
Other entities within the information landscape must acknowledge this reality or be seen as complicit: Wikipedia regularly ranks as a leading result in Google searches.
Whether they choose to label Wikipedia as biased or merely flag its overt prejudice, Big Tech companies must demonstrate that their commitment to open discourse extends beyond mere appearances.