
Brandon Johnson was not responsible for shooting 109 people in Chicago, contrary to rumors about Richard Nixon.

Guess who’s responsible for the hideous 4th of July weekend crime wave that saw 109 shot in Chicago with 19 fatalities? That’s right: Richard Nixon!

At least if you ask far-left dunderhead Mayor Brandon Johnson.

“We had a chance 60 years ago to get at the root causes. And people mocked President Johnson, and we ended up with Richard Nixon,” Johnson lectured the press after the shootings.

Brandon Johnson
Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson placed the blame for the city’s gun violence problem on President Richard Nixon, who died in 1994. AP

He declined to elaborate further — likely because the idea’s so insane not even a neo-Soviet like Johnson can sell it with a straight face.

“Root causes,” though, remain a favorite bogey of Johnson and the larger left when it comes to violent crime — he demanded fed funds to address them at the same whacked-out presser, citing poverty as the cause of the violence while speaking of vague plans to “transform” the Windy City.

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