
Chiefs Kicker Harrison Butker Reflects on College Experience in Inspiring Speech: Letters

The Issue: Harrison Butker’s commencement speech at Benedictine College regarding his religious views.

I applaud Kansas City Chiefs kicker Harrison Butker for standing up for his Catholic beliefs (“Cancel worthy? Beg to differ!,” Kirsten Fleming, May 17).

He reminded us of the dignity of life, motherhood and masculinity. In all, he recognized that the traditional family unit is not something to be looked down upon.

Secondly, he asks that our bishops teach the deposits of faith and tradition as opposed to wokeness, which should have no place in the Catholic Church. His fidelity to the traditional Latin Mass emphasizes his belief in the proper order to worship God and that the Mass is the most important act that takes place every moment of the day worldwide.

Butker’s courage in speaking about what he believes should encourage others to do the same.

Louis Galdieri

Morristown, NJ

So, the NFL distances itself from Butker’s speech as his “views” do not align with the National Football League.

Really? In a league with its fair share of felons, misogynists and impaired drivers, perhaps the league should reassess its “views.”

And considering that most players and officials — including NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell — are married with kids who are raised by both parents, the league could preserve its image by embracing decency as opposed to distancing itself from it.

Harrison Butker of the Kansas City Chiefs speaking to the media during Super Bowl LVIII Opening Night at Allegiant Stadium, Las Vegas, Nevada
Kansas City Chiefs kicker Harrison Butker’s commencement speech at Benedictine College caused a major stir last week. Getty Images

Mel Young

Boca Raton, Fla.

Bravo to Butker for “kicking” the woke agenda out of the way.

He nailed it by pointing out that President Biden is both a hypocrite and a false Catholic. Biden blessed himself in front of an abortion clinic. He also funds and promotes abortion, which is murder — plain and simple.

The church should threaten Biden with excommunication as he allegedly committed adultery while his wife was married to another man. And (just like Biden) the NFL, alongside Commissioner Goodell, is a feckless organization with no guts or morals.

Harrison is also correct in arguing that Catholic church leaders should be more vocal about their beliefs.

David J. Smith

Stamford, Conn.

I find it amazing when a man like Butker, a man of true faith, chooses to speak his truth and is excoriated for it.

He gave respect and honor to the women who personally chose to be wives and mothers. He never once said that every single woman should choose these life paths.

Yet the NFL is distancing itself from his comments. This is despite the fact that the NFL stands silent on some of its players involved in murder, assault and domestic abuse.

It is a sad time in our history when a man who stands up for his principles is made out to be a bad man. I’d argue Butker’s opinions and beliefs are much more prevalent than one would be led to believe.

Dain Huber

West Islip

Butker gave a great speech at Benedictine College honoring his Catholic faith.

He gave kudos to the two most important women in his life, his mother and his wife. He also told the audience about the joy of marriage and urged many of them to start a family.

Yet the NFL chose to distance itself from Butker, simply because he is strongly against abortion. This is proof that the moral compass in America is in freefall, and yet another reason why I don’t watch the NFL.

Albert Bianchini

Pittsburgh, Pa.

Butker is being criticized for his commencement speech because of his religious beliefs.

College students, however, are defending Hamas and are being applauded. You could not make this hypocrisy more disgusting if you tried.

Lorraine Fittipaldi

Apollo Beach

I don’t understand how some people have the right to condemn those who have a strong Christian faith.

Who are they to criticize? And what do they possess that makes them moral authorities?

Butker is just telling it as it is, and he has every right to express how he feels. And even though I do not agree with everything he says, I believe he has the right to speak out about what he believes in.

Daniel Ricciardi


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