Commentary on Trump’s improved physical condition and continued anti-Semitic rhetoric
Pollsters: Trump’s in His Best Shape Yet
Most polls show a “tied race” between Vice President Kamala Harris and former President Donald Trump, yet “a closer look at the numbers indicates that the former president is better positioned now than at any other point since Harris entered the race,” explain Douglas Schoen & Carly Cooperman at The Hill. “RealClearPolitics’ aggregate has Trump ahead across all seven battlegrounds.” Further, “GOP voter enthusiasm” in early-vote states is up; Democrats’ five-point early-vote advantage “is significantly lower than their 14-point edge just four years ago.” And while a CNBC poll shows Trump leads Harris by two points overall, on immigration he leads by 35 points and by 13 points on inflation. “With only days to go, it is clear that Trump is in a much stronger position than he was just weeks ago.”
Culture desk: Woke Jew-Hate Alive & Well
“The modern left’s authoritarian impulse” is “alive and well,” argues Lionel Shriver at the Free Press — fingering the “400 writers, including Sally Rooney and Arundhati Roy” who “signed a letter calling for a mass boycott of the Israeli publishing industry.” “The impulse to form a mob is surely antithetical to the impulse to record your thoughts in text in private.” “The boycott seeks to go well beyond the signatories and intimidate all authors.” “It is not in the larger interest of any writer for publishers, agents, and festivals to be the preserve of a narrow ideological position on any issue.” “Writing is a positive expression of faith in language to compel and persuade. I do not wish for other authors’ silence to speak for me.”
Libertarian: Chill Out, America
Reason’s J.D. Tuccille bemoans “the spreading poison of political hatred.” Per a Yahoo poll, 24% of Republicans” and 26% of Democrats “say they have had a friendship or family relationship end because of a disagreement over politics.” And 20% of employees “said they had been mistreated at work by their co-workers or peers due to their political views.” Worse, “political disputes are poisoning male-female relationships,” which explains why dating apps have added “political criteria to their services.” Argh! “Creating ideological and partisan litmus tests for family, friends, lovers, and co-workers is a guarantee of damaging social fractures.” Sorry: “Americans need to chill the f - k out.”
Conservative: Bibi’s Beating the West’s Enemies
“After the October 7 massacres,” recalls Victor Davis Hanson at American Greatness, “the conventional wisdom speculated not if, but only when [Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu] would be forced out of office.” Yet “an embattled Netanyahu, shunned by the Biden administration, demonized by the European Union, and smeared and slandered by the UN . . . understood that the sheer depravity of October 7 gave Israel, at least for a brief window, the moral authority to wage all-out war on its enemies.” So: “Israel systematically neutered Hamas,” took out “much of the Iranian missile inventory and launch sites” and “decimated Hezbollah.” “The surreal aspect of the Netanyahu retaliatory tour is that he has done more to neutralize European and American enemies” than did “NATO, the CIA, the FBI, and Interpol combined, and yet more often received rebuke rather than gratitude.”
From the right: Harris Goes Fringe on SCOTUS
“Would Kamala Harris support packing the Supreme Court by adding, say, three Justices?” ask The Wall Street Journal’s editors. She gave a vague but welcoming answer to a question on just that last week. And she “has already endorsed President Biden’s plan to impose ‘ethics’ rules on the Justices that would invite political harassment and compromise judicial independence.” If Harris wins and Dems keep the Senate, “they have promised progressive voters they’ll take a wrecking ball to the current Supreme Court. It used to be a fringe position to propose fundamental ‘reform’ of the Court, but Mr. Biden has embraced it, Ms. Harris has endorsed it, and the Senate Judiciary Committee has passed it.”
— Compiled by The Post Editorial Board