
Cuomo’s Contentious Campaign for NYC Mayor: Letters

The Situation: Former Governor Andrew Cuomo enters the New York City mayoral race.

As with all politicians, opinions will be divided; some will support him while others will not (“Here we Cuo again, New York,” March 2).

It’s important to consider the broader context.

Currently, we have a corrupt mayor who ranks as the worst since Rudy Giuliani.

Mayor Adams, a Democrat, is willing to align himself with Republicans if it means securing help from President Trump.

Adams has shown he is willing to compromise his principles for his own benefit.

Former Governor Andrew Cuomo may have had his flaws, but I would still choose to vote for him over any of the current candidates.

Kreg Ramone


Cuomo, the politician who unnecessarily sent highly contagious individuals into nursing homes instead of hospitals where they could have been treated properly, is now vying for the position of mayor in New York City.

He seems to think people have short memories.

What I remember is my aunt, one of Cuomo’s victims.

She didn’t get a second chance. Why should he?

Susan Kerr

Stony Brook

Cuomo, the man who introduced cashless bail and other policies that undermine law enforcement, declared New York a sanctuary state, refused to collaborate with ICE and federal law enforcement, permitted a parole board that releases cop-killers, and presided over the Green Light law and COVID-19-related deaths, now wants to become mayor.

This is absurd.

Cuomo’s ambition is to secure a mayoral platform to fuel his presidential aspirations.

Tom Gagan

Mount Vernon

The disgraced former governor of New York seeks to become the next mayor of the Big Apple.

As evidenced by his time in Albany, Cuomo is an unethical figure and is responsible for numerous fatalities during the pandemic.

He is unworthy of the esteemed title of mayor. Please, Andy, step aside.

Brien Hollowood

Saratoga Springs

It’s crucial to protect New York City from an Andrew Cuomo comeback.

This vindictive individual seems to believe he can win the primary and take the mayoral office. However, his initial polling data is deceptive.

Remember, campaigns are often swayed by catchy phrases and slogans.

Here’s a suggestion to undermine power-hungry Andy: Call him “COVID-Killer Cuomo.”

Fred Smith

The Bronx

Cuomo’s unsolicited yet notable leadership throughout much of the pandemic far outweighs his perceived shortcomings.

Samuel Bahn


Regrettably, I have to admit that Cuomo will likely become the mayor of New York City.

Common sense and reason seem to fade for many voters in New York.

We are aware of his history of power-seeking and ethical dilemmas.

He has set New York back significantly.

Don’t be deceived: The only thing Cuomo has changed is his approach to garnering votes.

Robert Neglia

The Bronx

Hopefully, all of New York City shares the same concerns that Sean Newman has raised about the self-serving former Governor Cuomo (“ ‘Doesn’t deserve’ endorsement after COVID,” March 2).

Many seniors fell victim to Cuomo’s directive to transfer pandemic patients into nursing homes despite available alternatives.

Now, this opportunist has emerged from the shadows to enter the mayoral contest.

New Yorkers have been passive for far too long.

With Fredo’s brother back on the scene, it’s time to awaken and consider genuine change — perhaps a conservative option?

Kevin Judge

Naples, Fla.

If Andrew Cuomo genuinely wishes to be a mayor, he should consider Los Angeles or Chicago.

His level of incompetence would be perfectly suited for those cities.

He would also be doing suffering New Yorkers a great service.

Tom Mueller

New Rochelle

I’m not sure what’s more disconcerting: Cuomo’s self-appointment to “save the city” as mayor, or the fact that he is leading in early polls.

Many voters will never learn.

Rob Cerone


Want to share your thoughts on today’s stories? Send your feedback (including your full name and city of residence) to letters@nypost.com. Letters may be edited for clarity, length, and style.

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