
Democratic Panic Over Joe Biden’s Decline Cannot Be Concealed by Spin: A Commentary

Conservative: Behind Dems’ Freakout Over Joe

According to The Wall Street Journal’s Kimberly A. Strassel, Democrats have suddenly and belatedly acknowledged that Joe Biden is not capable of fulfilling his role as president. His declining performance in a recent debate has led to concerns about his mental state and competence. This sudden realization has sparked alarm among Democrats as they recognize the potential danger to their party should Biden’s unpopularity continue to grow.

Progressive: Spin Can’t Deny Prez’s Decline

Hillary Frey at Slate reflects on the shocking and upsetting nature of Biden’s performance in a recent debate, admitting that it is difficult to deny his decline. While some may try to spin the poor debate as an isolated incident, the reality of Biden’s aging and decline cannot be overlooked. Frey expresses concern about the future of the Democratic Party if Biden’s decline continues unchecked.

From the right: Don’t Forget the Other Liars

Creators Syndicate’s Josh Hammer condemns the efforts to deny Biden’s decline as a great lie in American history. The media and Democratic Party have dismissed concerns about Biden’s mental and physical health, choosing to overlook his costly mistakes and gaffes. Hammer urges Americans not to forget the deception perpetuated by those seeking to protect Biden at all costs.

Obama aide: Biden’s Defiant Delusion

CNN’s David Axelrod discusses President Biden’s recent ABC interview, where he attempted to dispel concerns about his mental and physical fitness. However, Axelrod notes that Biden’s responses did little to alleviate these concerns, particularly following his disastrous debate performance. The Republican attack on Biden’s lack of control and mental acuity may have lasting consequences for his campaign and legacy.

Libertarian: We Can Avoid a National-Debt Crisis

Reason’s Veronique de Rugy argues that the growing national debt can lead to economic weakness and eventual downfall if not addressed. By recognizing the severity of the situation and advocating for sustainable fiscal policies, policymakers can work towards a more secure financial future. Despite the daunting projections, history shows that the U.S. has successfully navigated past debt challenges.

— Compiled by The Post Editorial Board

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