
Evidence of the Amazon tribe’s excessive use of social media highlights the necessity for limitations

The internet can be both a blessing and a curse, as a remote Amazon tribe is discovering first-hand.

Having gained access to the internet just nine months ago, the Marubo tribe of Brazil is now facing issues of social media and porn addiction, highlighting the dark side of technological progress.

The tribe, consisting of 2,000 members, was able to connect to the internet through Elon Musk’s Starlink technology, enabling them to access information, communicate with the outside world, and even make emergency calls.

The internet has allowed the Marubo tribe to access the outside world and call authorities during emergencies. Navi Global

Although initially a joyous occasion, the tribe now acknowledges the negative impacts of the internet. Young people have become lazy and are adopting behaviors that go against their traditional values.

For the Marubo, the shift towards a more screen-centric lifestyle has been rapid and disruptive. The embrace of technology has led to some members indulging in porn, displaying aggressive behavior towards one another, and neglecting their cultural traditions.

The Marubo tribe was finally able to access the internet nine months ago thanks to Starlink. Navi Global

This pattern of addiction and disconnection mirrors the larger societal trends seen globally, where the pervasive use of social media and smartphones has reshaped daily life and altered human interactions.

Elders in the Marubo tribe lament laziness and sexual aggression among their youth. Navi Global

Living in a connected world comes with its downsides, as highlighted by the Marubo tribe’s struggle with technology addiction. The tribe’s elders are witnessing a decline in traditional practices and values as the younger generation becomes more engrossed in their digital devices.

As we observe the impact of technology on the Marubo tribe, it serves as a stark reminder of the need to protect ourselves and future generations from the pitfalls of excessive screen time and tech dependence.

Technology has taken over childhood, as many kids sink into addiction. Shutterstock

The time to address this issue is now, before it further erodes our cultural fabric and human connection.

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