
Fauci’s God complex damages trust in American institutions

It appears that the self-proclaimed embodiment of science is not without flaws.

Prior to Dr. Anthony Fauci’s public testimony before the House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic, Republicans released a transcript of their previous meeting with him in January.

The revelations were startling.

Dr. Anthony Fauci, former director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, has acknowledged that some of his COVID recommendations lacked scientific backing. REUTERS

In this transcript, he essentially admitted that some of his public health recommendations, such as masking children and the six-foot social distancing mandate, were not supported by scientific evidence.

The former director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) was questioned about the origin of the six-foot social distancing guideline, to which he responded, “You know, I don’t recall. It sort of just appeared.”

When asked about any studies supporting these measures, he admitted, “I was not aware of studies that … in fact would be a very difficult study to do.”

Regarding the use of masks on children as young as 2, Fauci could not definitively affirm any scientific basis for this practice.

He was also unable to recall if a cost-benefit analysis had been conducted to assess the impact of masking children.

During the House committee hearing, Representative Brad Wenstrup from Ohio expressed frustrations over the aggressive pushback against any questioning of COVID-related issues.

Furthermore, the committee confronted Fauci about emails from his former senior advisor that indicated an attempt to evade transparency and manipulate information.

These revelations have sparked increased scrutiny and skepticism regarding Fauci’s actions and involvement in the pandemic response.

While initially admired and trusted, Fauci’s approach to handling the pandemic has faced criticism for perceived inconsistencies and lack of transparency.

As the pandemic continued, many felt that Fauci was exhibiting a sense of omnipotence, and the media’s unwavering support only fueled this perception.

Overall, Fauci’s actions during the pandemic have raised questions about his leadership and accountability, leading to a growing mistrust in public health institutions.

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