
George Clooney’s shift in support for Biden highlights the weakness of the Democratic party

In a similar way to Joe Biden consulting with Hunter when making decisions about his time in office, I often ponder “What would George Clooney do?” when casting my vote.

Those of us who look to Hollywood actors for political guidance seldom receive their insight.

So imagine my surprise when last month, those of us on the Biden-Harris email list received a personalized message from none other than George Clooney himself.

The email began with the words “It’s George Clooney.”

What a delightful surprise!

George Clooney is reaching out to me!

He continued, stating, “I’m not exaggerating when I say that this election is the fight of our lives.”

How could we doubt him?

It’s rare for a Hollywood actor to overstate things.

And up until then, I had never heard someone claim that an election could be the most crucial one in our lifetimes.

It was definitely new information for me.

Clooney’s in

Clooney elaborated by saying, “It’s a choice between those who want to pull America back to the past, and those who want to move America into the future.”

His perspective felt illuminating and fresh.

Before this, I had never quite pinpointed the key political distinction.

But now I understand that the choice is between progress and regression.

I have pondered whether I should move forward into the future or retreat back into the past.

This was something only Kamala Harris had crossed my mind before.

And now, George Clooney was highlighting this critical decision for America to make – moving forward or going backward.

After some contemplation, I have decided that I am firmly in favor of progress.

Most likely into the future.

I have no time for those who seek to retreat into the past.

George then urged me to contribute to ensure President Biden and Vice President Harris secure another term in the White House.

He concluded by stating his belief in Joe and Kamala’s message of hope and how voting for them is the only way to secure a brighter future.

Naturally, I replied, thanked George for his insight, and asked if I could drop by for coffee someday when I’m out. Unfortunately, I didn’t receive a response.

Following that email, Clooney hosted a fundraiser for Biden, which raised a record $28 million.

Clooney’s out

On a confusing note, George Clooney shared his thoughts in The New York Times, expressing his love and fondness for Biden as a friend.

However, he acknowledged that the Joe Biden he encountered at a recent fundraiser was different from the Biden he knew in the past.

George even called on Biden to step down from the race.

This situation is perplexing.

If Clooney and Biden are close friends, why hadn’t he noticed this change over the past few years?

Is his interaction with Biden as infrequent as his emails to me?

The disconnect between Clooney’s fundraiser and his recent statements raises questions about his judgment.

There’s an element of amusement in Clooney’s actions, but it also reflects the lack of genuine connection in the Democratic Party’s approach to voters.

The reliance on Hollywood celebrities for political influence is not only patronizing but ultimately ineffective.

Voters are not swayed by celebrity endorsements, and in many cases, it may hinder rather than help a candidate.

While Biden-Harris may believe in the Hollywood allure, the reality is that in today’s age of social media, traditional celebrity endorsements carry less weight.

It’s time for the Democratic campaign to adapt to the changing landscape, rather than dwelling in outdated strategies.

Perhaps Clooney and Kamala could engage in a discussion to bridge this gap.

Swalwell unleashes his slime

A congressional committee recently shed light on the left-wing media’s biased online advertising practices, in collaboration with groups like the “Global Alliance for Responsible Media” and Big Tech.

The session took a bizarre turn when Rep. Eric Swalwell attempted to discredit conservative witness Ben Shapiro by questioning his views on various topics.

Despite Swalwell’s efforts, Shapiro maintained composure and handled the situation with grace.

Shapiro’s response demonstrated restraint and professionalism in the face of adversity.

While it may have been tempting to respond in kind, Shapiro’s dignified approach stands out amidst the political mudslinging.

Buy a ticket, ‘Save the West’

Tickets are now available for a show at the Beacon Theatre in New York on Sept. 29, featuring the “Save the West” tour with engaging content on winning battles at home and abroad.

You can purchase tickets through the Beacon or online at LiveNation.com. Hope to see you there!

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