
Hostage Poster Vandals Spreading Hate: The Letters

The Issue: Multiple people who have been caught tearing down posters of Hamas hostages in the city.

I cannot believe the intolerance of the hate-mongers who were caught tearing down the posters of the hostages being held by Hamas (“Not a shred of decency,” Nov. 2).

These extremists are just as intolerant as the “defund the police” maniacs.

I think that the only drawback to living in a democracy is that you have to put up with individuals who don’t appreciate the freedoms that they are given.

John Francis Fox


A quick proposal for the vandals tearing down the posters: Would you maybe be willing to switch spots with the hostages?

This way, families of the innocents can be reunited, you could find out firsthand what your Hamas adulation would get you, and New York could rid itself of just some of the filth we’ve been witnessing on a daily basis.

Gary Kaelin


As a New Yorker born and raised, a former prosecutor (in Brooklyn, during the Golden Age of crack) and a free-speech almost-absolutist, I am puzzled and disturbed at the knee-jerk reaction to criminalize many aspects of daily life (“Nerves in shreds,” Nov. 3).

It seems to me that these are nearly normal interactions between New Yorkers in an increasingly diverse and hostile city. Where is the crime? What should the poster-rippers be charged with?

Would the “complainants” be similarly charged if they ripped down pro-Hamas posters and said “f–k Palestine?”

A bedrock principle of America is the right to free speech, even if the message is widely despised.

Michael G. Brautigam

Tallinn, Estonia

I’m greatly saddened, dismayed and quite disturbed after reading The Post’s report about anti-Israel vandals ripping down posters of Israeli hostages.

Antisemitism and hate seem to have no end. Are we not all brothers and sisters and belong to the same human race? Aren’t these acts of hate an attack on humanity?

The war between Israel and Hamas has now found its way to the streets of New York and college campuses.

My question is: How can a person support Hamas, which has killed men, women, children and babies? Hamas has called for the complete destruction of Israel and the killing of Jews worldwide. This hate must end for all humanity.

Frederick Bedell, Jr.


If I could ask these people a question, it would be: How would you feel if that was your sister, mother, father, sister, brother or child on one of the posters?

As a taxpayer, I understand the desire to help relocate people here for humanitarian reasons. However, if Palestinians and other people from Arab cultures use our kindness and charity to instill and spread hatred to college students, it makes me wonder if our relocation policies need to be reformed.

Based on what I’ve witnessed the past month, the opportunity to embrace our values, respect and tolerance apparently doesn’t exist with these protesters.

Greg Raleigh

Washington, DC

It’s interesting that at the White House press conference, National Security Council press secretary John Kirby was asked if Americans supporting terrorism and ripping down posters of women, children and hostages are “domestic terrorists.” Kirby stuttered and basically denied it.

It was not long ago that “domestic terrorists” were PTA mothers demanding protection for their own children in schools. Why are we defending ripping down hostage posters?

Shouldn’t we investigate these individuals? We have them on video. We see their faces.

T. Bove, Manhattan

Shout-out to Paulie, the construction worker in Forest Hills who confronted a thug tearing down posters of Israeli hostages.

Paulie is a true New Yorker, standing up for what is right.

Robert Semel


Want to weigh in on today’s stories? Send your thoughts (along with your full name and city of residence) to letters@nypost.com. Letters are subject to editing for clarity, length, accuracy, and style.

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