How President Donald Trump Paves the Way for the Preservation of Western Civilization
President Trump has not merely hit the ground running but has executed an Olympic-level sprint, clearing away all hurdles in his path.
As soon as he took office, he began signing numerous executive orders, fulfilling his commitments to the American people and pushing back against the forces undermining the nation.
This was a remarkable demonstration of how effective leadership can shift attitudes and challenge long-held assumptions.
The heavy clouds of enforced conformity began to dissipate.
Those stifled for years, vilified for desiring an America they recognized, suddenly found the courage to believe they could once again breathe freely.
Above all, Trump’s presidency has reversed years of disparaging America, replacing it with a buoyant sense of hope that the country can be not just great, but whole again.
You may not agree with all his policies, but it’s undeniable that Trump has shifted the political landscape. Many pretentious liberal figures have been exposed for their lack of substance.
The international community has watched in astonishment and no small amount of envy.
In my birthplace of Britain, the Labour government, which is dismantling the nation by refusing to honor its historic culture and values, can only stare enviously at what true national leadership looks like.
This presidential vigor may ignite an even more significant revolution. Initiatives like abolishing DEI, securing the borders, and removing extremists from campuses and the country address pressing voter concerns.
However, these changes are merely symptoms of a deeper worldview issue.
Even if Trump’s policies restore recognition of only two genders, mitigate the vilification of white individuals based on their race, and revitalize universities as forums for free expression, the underlying forces that have led to social fragmentation remain potent and capable of recurrence.
Such issues stem from a seismic and destructive transformation in Western society that has transpired over several decades, capturing the minds of numerous cultural leaders.
As discussed in my new book, “The Builder’s Stone: How Jews and Christians Built the West — and Why Only They Can Save It,” these Western elites launched a systematic assault on their own society, and thus on civilization itself.
Declaring the West as birthed from the original sins of colonialism and racism, they attacked its foundational structures like the traditional married family and educational systems responsible for passing culture to subsequent generations.
This culture, deemed racist, was replaced by a cacophony of cultures where core Western values—such as gender equality, free speech, and equal law for all—lost their standing.
The Western nation, viewed as the origin of prejudice and conflict, had to be overtaken by transnational laws and institutions, such as international human rights law and the United Nations, which purported to represent the brotherhood of mankind.
This utopian concept was meant to usher in a new era of peace and justice but instead fostered divisive social strife among groups battling for dominance. It drained individual ambition, promoting a victim mentality anchored in grievance and resentment, and rendered the West an increasingly attractive target for its adversaries, as elites insisted—echoing John Lennon’s famous lyric—that there is nothing worth defending or sacrificing for.
At the core of this issue was the progressive decline of biblical values that had underpinned the West’s fundamental principles of morality, personal accountability, and duty to one another.
This erosion opened the door for Islamists, who recognized the resultant spiritual, moral, and political void as an opportunity to claim the West.
The decay of Western society was starkly displayed in the collective response to the October 7, 2023, massacre in Israel perpetrated by Hamas-led Palestinian Arabs from Gaza, followed by the ensuing conflict.
Rather than rallying in support of Israel’s desperate efforts to fend off an enemy intent on annihilation, many in the West perceived the Gazans as victims of aggressive Israeli actions, transforming the nation into a pariah labeled as child-killers.
Across many Western cities, throngs of Muslim and leftist demonstrators clamored for Israel’s destruction, called for the murder of Jews, and promoted jihad against the West. This sparked a tidal wave of antisemitism throughout Britain, America, Canada, and Australia.
It is unsurprising that Israel and the Jewish people found themselves at the center of this tempest. Just as Israel stands at the forefront of defending the West against Islamist forces aiming to obliterate it, Western progressives attacking Israel and the Jewish community are attacking their own society and its foundational Jewish principles.
Judaism, through Christianity, was the source of conscience, justice, and reasoning that fostered the greatness of Western civilization.
After October 7, what we witnessed was a notable absence of conscience, justice, and reason. The cause of this lies in the degradation of Western culture.
Many—particularly those in Britain and Europe, which have suffered the brunt of these changes—despair that the struggle for civilization is already lost. Yet it has not yet been adequately fought.
I propose in my book that a resistance movement should be mobilized, forming a coalition for civilization comprising people from diverse ethnic, cultural, and religious backgrounds who share a commitment to preserving the West and fighting for its historically grounded principles of truth, freedom, and justice.
This coalition should draw upon the unparalleled resilience of the Jewish community to learn how to embed biblical values into daily life, providing spiritually starved individuals with a sense of meaning and purpose. It should promote a culture of connection rooted in family, nation, and the passing down of tradition and cultural memories.
Trump’s relentless advocacy for American interests has already prompted the rest of the world to reassess their actions.
Now, he should champion this coalition for civilization to confront the self-destructive liberal ideologies that have undermined the West’s foundations.
The reason Trump was elected against significant odds is that millions staged an uprising against a liberal establishment that was tarnishing and weakening America, erasing its historical identity and transforming it into a battlefield for competing factions.
They desired to belong to a nation shaped by a distinct heritage whose values they recognized in a place labeled home. Similarly, millions across Britain and Europe, disillusioned with their political establishments, crave the same.
This underscores the critical importance of Trump’s second term. If he meets the challenge, America will lead the fight to save civilization and bolster similar popular uprisings in other nations. Failure could see the West mirror the fate of ancient Rome, a decaying society weakened internally and susceptible to external foes.
Ultimately, the West must choose: to surrender or to survive.
The struggle for civilization is underway, with everything at stake.
Melanie Phillips’ “The Builder’s Stone: How Jews and Christians Built the West — and Why Only They Can Save It” is published by Wicked Son and available on Amazon.