Joe Biden’s Critique of Israel: A Collection of Letters
The Concern: President Biden’s public display of “The Hundred Years’ War on Palestine” by Rashid Khalidi.
While I’m not shocked, I remain appalled that our frail, ineffective leader, along with his tax-dodging son, has the audacity to be seen in public with a book authored by a Columbia University dissident who criticized our most significant ally in the Middle East (“The ultimate affront,” Nov. 30).
This past weekend, meant for gratitude, the Bidens celebrated their ill-gained wealth at the luxurious home of billionaire David Rubenstein on Nantucket Island. I suppose it was too chilly for Rehoboth Beach.
How ironic that dinner was enjoyed at a venue named “Brotherhood of Thieves.” This administration can’t leave soon enough.
Bill Lewis
Danbury, Conn.
The Post criticizes President Biden’s book selection, but isn’t that kind of criticism a dangerous precedent?
One might intentionally read a book that they know they will disagree with, or perhaps it’s prudent to engage with opposing viewpoints to avoid an echo chamber.
Do we truly want to live in a society where individuals are condemned for reading the “wrong” literature? Our actions, not our reading preferences, should be the basis for moral judgment.
David Barry
Brookline, Mass.
Biden was spotted carrying a book by Rashid Khalidi entitled “The Hundred Years’ War on Palestine.”
This book claims that Israel is an illegitimate colonial entity. Despite pro-Zionist narratives, Israel has roots over 3,000 years deep, given its establishment as a nation in 1948.
God bestowed upon Israel its land (ancient Canaan) through an unconditional covenant with Abraham millennia ago.
Hence, how can it be asserted that Israel has unjustly seized land from the Palestinians? Let me state unequivocally: “Long live the nation of Israel.”
Frederick Bedell Jr.
Biden has the right to read what he wishes, just as Columbia Professor Khalidi is entitled to write it. Nevertheless, neither can alter the truth.
Archaeological evidence confirms that Jews, not Palestinians, are the original inhabitants of what is now Israel. Neither the act of reading nor writing will change this reality.
Mel Young
Boca Raton Fla.
The anti-Israel publication Biden picked up at Nantucket Bookworks represents a distortion of truth.
Khalidi alleges that Palestinian Arabs are the true native people facing Jewish occupation, despite biblical accounts indicating that Jews inhabited the region over 3,000 years ago.
The Arabs invaded in 636, seizing Jewish homes and properties, and displaced Jewish agriculture throughout Israel.
Khalidi also accuses Jews of persecuting Christians, even though it was the Palestinian Liberation Organization that devastated Lebanon for its Christian inhabitants. Israel, by contrast, provided refuge to Christians fleeing Lebanon.
Gamaliel Isaac
I was disheartened to see that The Post appears to be leaning progressive, based on Saturday’s coverage.
While I consider Biden to be the worst president we’ve endured, my choice of literature—like his—is personal and should not concern anyone else.
Your front-page headline and piece regarding his choice of an anti-Israel book imply that censorship is warranted. This view contradicts The Post’s usual stance of promoting free speech and the exchange of ideas.
Although I doubt he possesses the cognitive ability to fully understand the text, his interest in the book’s material should not invite ridicule.
Francis Accisano
Brielle, NJ
Looking at the photograph, I’m astounded that Biden would take the time to read—unless Dr. Jill is doing the reading for him.
The rest of the Biden clan appears as if they just woke up.
Alfred Bonnabel