
Katie Couric Criticizes MAGA for Anti-Intellectualism

The Issue: Katie Couric calling MAGA an “anti-intellectual” movement in an interview with Bill Maher.

This is just another attempt by the so-called experts to convince everybody that only people of lesser intelligence support former President Donald Trump (“Katie Couric’s New Deplorables,” Editorial, April 18).

Katie Couric doesn’t get it. About half of US voters prefer Trump over President Biden. That includes many with advanced degrees from prestigious universities, including myself.

We are fed up with Biden’s incompetence and the bad results from his policies, including open borders causing chaos in the big cities, multitrillion-dollar annual deficits which are in process of destroying us financially and a feckless foreign policy that has resulted in a world on fire.

The press needs to start discussing those issues and stop name-calling Trump supporters.

Larry Hootnick

Water Mill

According to Katie Couric, Republicans are socioeconomically inferior anti-intellectuals or elitists and anti-establishment MAGAs. That last denomination is not an insult, by the way.

Couric is so pompous, and she is clearly terrified of Trump.

Joyce Pulizzano

Barnegat, NJ

The wildly out-of-touch Couric accuses Trump supporters of being “anti-intellectual.”

She chooses to ignore deliberate deficit spending, persistent inflation, increased threat of war, increased crime rates and the consequences of illegal immigration. Yet she has the audacity to accuse Trump supporters of being anti-intellectual?

There should have been a laugh track accompanying her interview with Bill Maher.

Michael P. Mulhall

Moseley, Va.

Katie Couric is the quintessential snob. Donald Trump is considered déclassé in her circle of friends: not fit for that intimate dinner party invitation. Therefore his followers must be categorized as inferior types as well. Or in her distorted logic, anti-intellectual: not good enough to share the rarefied air she breathes.
People with long memories will recall how Couric set out to ambush Sarah Palin when she was selected as the vice presidential candidate for John McCain’s campaign. She has been looking down her nose at people for years.

Phil Serpico


The Issue: Alleged vandalism amid recent wave of pro-Palestinian protests in New York City.

Kyle Turner, arrested for allegedly vandalizing a subway station, reportedly said he can’t believe our tax dollars go to cops focusing on minor infractions and his arrest was a waste of public resources (“It’s write & wrong, you idiot!” April 17).

I wonder what Turner thinks of Attorney General Letitia James wasting public resources going after former President Donald Trump for what is essentially a victimless crime.

Charles J. Morgan

Jenkins Township, Pa.

The incident with Kyle Turner — who was arrested for scrawling pro-Palestinian graffiti on a subway wall and then claimed not to know that graffiti was a punishable offense — made me recall lyrics from the Beatles song “Revolution,” about protests against the Vietnam war in the 1960s:

“But if you go carrying pictures of Chairman Mao/You ain’t gonna make it with anyone anyhow.”

Peter Bochner

Wayland, Mass.

The New York Times contributor didn’t know defacing property was a crime!
Seeing this anarchy in our country is deplorable. I’m curious where the votes from Jewish communities will go come November.

Kevin Judge

Naples, Fla.

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