
Letters exposing the media’s deception regarding Biden’s mental-health decline

The Topic: Miranda Devine’s Analysis of Mainstream Media’s Concealment of President Biden’s Cognitive Decline.

In a refreshing manner, Miranda Devine presents the truth about President Biden’s significant cognitive decline without hesitation (“Media saw it — for years!,” Miranda Devine, PostOpinion, July 4).

Kudos to her and The Post. In contrast, several other news outlets have been involved in biased political reporting concerning the Democrats in general, and President Biden in particular.

The dissemination of false information and lack of disclosure pose a direct threat to national security and could potentially be considered treason.

Jack Weinberg


The Democrats have been dishonest and covering up for Biden since he assumed office.

The only individual who believes Joe Biden is capable of fulfilling his presidential duties is himself. Although we all recognize his incapacity, Democratic leaders persist in claiming that Biden is competent for office. This is an insult to the American populace.

Don Whitman

Cross River

The article highlights a recurring theme on the political right.

The mainstream media and Democratic supporters have chosen to ignore Biden’s frailty to deceive the public.

Initially, we were informed that he had a stutter. Subsequently, we witnessed his various mishaps, including falling off a bike, stumbling up stairs, and losing his way during speeches. It is time for the American people to awaken to the truth.

Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre has accused the media of creating “cheap fakes.” These are the same individuals who perpetuated the Russia hoax, lied about the laptop, and fought to prevent the release of Robert Hur’s audio. It is time for America to open their eyes.

Betsy Flor

Putnam Valley

I affectionately call him “Sleepy” Joe. I have no desire to see this plastic paddy, hypocritical grifter removed from office.

Every day that President Biden remains in power, and Democrats and their media allies continue to deceive us, exposes their corruption, deceitfulness, and malevolence.

Jake McNicholas


For more than three years, we have witnessed President Biden’s sharp decline.

Despite this, the mainstream media remained silent. They were in favor of Biden and the Democratic Party, forsaking their role as journalists.

As highlighted by Miranda Devine, even Carl Bernstein, known for his work during Watergate, eventually acknowledged Biden’s numerous lapses. The liberal media have failed their followers, and it is time for the public to seek out alternative sources of information.

Ron Zajicek


We have reached a point where criticizing the mainstream media for their biased reporting is futile. They have abandoned any semblance of journalistic integrity long ago.

The sad reality is that the mainstream media are overwhelmingly left-leaning and unapologetically gaslight the public to serve their own agenda. If you are repeatedly deceived by the media, the fault lies not with them, but with you.

Chris Marques

Hamburg, NJ

The media’s power remains potent. They are now turning on President Biden due to his poor performance in the recent debate and noticeable signs of dementia.

Previously, the media either made excuses for or ignored Biden’s erratic behavior. They failed to hold the president accountable for his lack of press conferences.

It is evident that the mainstream media observed Biden’s physical and mental decline but chose to keep the American people uninformed.

Al D’Angelo

The Bronx

Share your thoughts on today’s issues by sending your feedback (including your full name and city of residence) to letters@nypost.com. Letters may be edited for clarity, length, accuracy, and style.

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