
‘Little House on the Prairie’ is being rebooted — could Melissa Gilbert head West once more?

Time for to-dos and don’ts

Everyone is unique. Just look at your fingers. They come in various sizes and shapes.

Our Creator is boundless. We, too, are boundless — short, tall, clever, not-so-clever, some express themselves with the vigor of selling out their nation like Menendez, while others speak in more peculiar ways, like Bernie Sanders.

One moment you might feel on top of the world, and then, just like that, life shifts. Suddenly, you’re facing a rent hike, a tight system, a house in need of repairs, and a plumber whose payment you forgot to send.

So what do you do when someone who once felt significant suddenly feels invisible?

Start by tossing your cellphone aside; it appears no one is calling.

Seek out a thrift or secondhand bookstore.

Cancel that magazine subscription; it’s not like anyone’s really that invested.

Give that crossword puzzle a shot which eluded you last month.

Don’t forget to reach out to that plumber.

And let the dry-cleaning of party outfits slide.

Interested in a movie? Catch another classic Clark Gable flick.

Proactive duties

How about trying some exercise? Who knows, your knee might just cooperate.

Remember, you are Everyone — and it’s time to secure an appointment with a physician.

Go ahead and mop the kitchen. What else have you got lined up?

Consider going for a walk. A short one, perhaps.

Reach out to your last remaining friend.

Come to realize that you don’t actually enjoy their company.

Engage in a lighthearted argument with your plumber.

Reorganize that drawer where your Monopoly sets went awry.

Attempt to accomplish something productive — which is challenging since if you could, you’d likely still have your job.

Ping the plumber once more.

Play Solitaire and don’t hesitate to cheat. Who would notice?

Rip up those old photos of Nancy Pelosi. No reason, it’s just a fun idea.

Explore real estate opportunities; it seems to be the trend.

Don’t expect that full cup of coffee when ordering a Starbucks latte.

Forget about searching for the perfect parking spot.

And definitely don’t bother trying to get that house painter to touch up his missed areas.

Do the crossword puzzle again — this time on a Monday.

Send a thank-you note for that Christmas gift you ended up returning.

On a hope & a ‘Prairie’

More than 50 years after its NBC debut, “Little House on the Prairie” is being rebooted as a fresh Netflix series — catch it if you haven’t already seen it a dozen times. (No news yet if Melissa Gilbert will make a return as little Laura Ingalls Wilder.)

It's unclear if Melissa Gilbert will reprise her role in the Netflix series.
It’s unclear whether Melissa Gilbert will reprise her role in the Netflix series. Instagram/@officialmodernprairie

Consider repairing that broken bracelet. Why? Well, why not? What else is on your agenda?

Once again, pledge allegiance to Dwight D. Eisenhower or his successors. It’s never too late to reconnect.

And don’t forget to pluck those gray hairs that keep popping up; they won’t impress a new CEO.

Search for a new plumber.

Check in with your dentist. Keep the connection alive; you may not need him now, but it’s always good to have options.

And don’t wake Jim Acosta.

Only in New York, kids, only in New York.

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