
Man crashes into rabbi and orthodox students in NYC: Accounts

The Problem: An Anti-Semitic Attack on an Orthodox Rabbi and Students by a Motorist in Canarsie.

I was shocked and deeply disturbed to learn from The Post’s front page that a Pakistani immigrant delivery driver attempted to run over a rabbi and Orthodox students outside a Brooklyn yeshiva, shouting, “I’m going to kill all Jews” (“I’m Gonna Kill all the Jews,” May 30).

My question is: When will this hatred towards Jews end?

As a Catholic, I wonder: Did God not create us all to love and respect one another regardless of race, color, religion, or national origin?

As the song says, “All the world needs is love.”

Frederick R. Bedell Jr.


This anti-Semitism is not only present in individuals like the driver Asghar Ali with alleged psychiatric issues but also in mainstream society.

Turning the page of The Post, we encounter the International Criminal Court, which shows bias against Jews, veiled with political correctness.

Sheldon P. Hersh


The perpetrator in the incident is a Pakistani immigrant who shouted “I’m gonna kill all the Jews.”

However, the NYPD does not believe this was a terrorist act.

As usual, the suspect is excused due to “mental issues.”

It appears that all violent crimes in NYC are attributed to mental illness—nothing else.

Dennis Middlebrooks


In the 1960 film “Exodus” about Jewish refugees fleeing Nazi Europe for Palestine, a character played by Paul Newman remarks that “Jewish blood is cheap…cheaper than herring.”

This seems to still hold true today with 1,200 Jews murdered in Israel last October—and now this in the United States.

Steve Landes

Boynton Beach, Fla.

While Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg focused on prosecuting former President Donald Trump, individuals are reportedly trying to harm Jewish students and rabbis.

These perpetrators are known, their names are out there, yet it seems like no significant consequences follow.

Not only Jewish people but subway riders are being attacked as well.

There are numerous reports of riders being pushed onto the tracks.

But Bragg seems too preoccupied to care about the city that elected him. JJ Levine
Miami Beach, Fla.

The Problem: Disputes over a US flag displayed outside the residence of Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito.

It’s appalling how Justice Samuel Alito’s family is being treated (“Alito flag ‘scandal’ is a partisan hit job,” Post Opinion, Joe Concha, May 24).

I stand with Martha Ann Alito in believing that our country’s flag should be flown upside down.

We are facing significant challenges caused by President Biden and the Democratic Party.

From now until former President Donald Trump is reelected—whenever that may be—I will place all my flag stamps upside down on my mail.

This 89-year-old Navy veteran regrets not being younger to be more active in saving our once-great nation.

The progressive liberals must be halted.

John F. Rossano


Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito cannot compel his own wife to remove an upside-down flag?

It’s unbelievable, especially considering Alito’s vote in a 5-4 decision could impact how 330 million Americans must behave or vote.

Richard Siegelman


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