
Most faculties in US academia are affected by rot

During the intervention of the NYPD on the New York University pro-Hamas occupiers Monday night, professors created a human shield to prevent the police from arresting the protesters — highlighting a significant issue in US academia.

The core problem arose from the occupiers seizing a central area of the campus to pressure the school into divesting from Israel due to the Hamas conflict, along with their aggressive treatment towards those with differing views.

Instead of championing free speech or engaging in civil disobedience, they resorted to using force to impose their beliefs.

The faculty members supported this radical and deeply liberal action.

Many other professors likely hold similar views, even if they are not willing to be arrested for it.

American higher education, particularly at renowned institutions, is now primarily influenced by tenured radicals.

A survey conducted by Harvard Crimson in 2022 revealed that 45% of faculty identified as “very liberal,” 37% as “liberal,” 16% as “moderate,” and only 1.46% as “conservative” — with none being “very conservative.”

In another survey in 2017, which involved 7,243 tenure-track faculty from 40 top schools, only 314 were Republicans, outnumbered by registered Democrats 11.5 to one.

This dominance of liberal faculty members is a result of the left’s long-term infiltration of the academic institutions, where tenure is granted by already-tenured professors, making it difficult for those with right-of-center views to be accepted.

The academic community has morphed into a “monoculture,” where dissenting voices struggle to find employment, even in adjunct positions with low pay and no job security.

Tenured faculty members have been ousted for challenging the liberal narrative, as evident in cases like Princeton’s Joshua Katz and Harvard’s Roland Fryer.

Georgetown Law School dismissed new hire Ilya Shapiro for criticizing President Biden’s discriminatory practices in choosing a Supreme Court nominee.

As the left gained power, liberals have mostly stayed quiet, while non-radicals fear speaking up, aware that they could be next in line.

University administrations often turn a blind eye to these issues unless it interferes with fundraising efforts, which is their primary focus.

Under the guise of anti-Zionism or criticizing Israel, antisemitism is prevalent in academia, with faculty spreading misinformation about Israel being a “settler colonialist” project.

NYU and other universities need a serious overhaul to rid themselves of this corruption, starting with the immediate dismissal of faculty members involved in blocking the police.

Donors like Columbia alum Robert Kraft and Harvard’s Bill Ackman, who are currently protesting, should be prepared to continue their strike until their alma maters commit to making significant changes and real progress towards rectifying the situation.

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